New Renault

Aye Scanner you have changed your mind from last night. It’s a lot better looking than Volvo’s latest with the chicken mesh grill. Eddie.

If you get the chance to drive one of these new Renaults…do it… you may well be pleasantly surprised. Massively different to the Premium, and for the better too…

Aye Scanner you have changed your mind from last night. It’s a lot better looking than Volvo’s latest with the chicken mesh grill. Eddie.

Yes, it’s a girl’s perogative don’t you know :smiley:

Now that truck looks really angry from the front!

Mind you I’d be angry if i looked like that too :smiley:



Having seen the other pics, I actually quite like it now. I’m imagining one a bit more colour-coded in diamond black with 70-profile super singles*.

*On the steer axle that is. Magnum anoraks will know what I mean :smiley:

I have a faint recollection of Magnums with SS tyres on the drive axle being imported by accident…and for some reason they couldn’t be converted to UK legal spec.

Do you remember if it was when the then new Magnum was launched? I seem to remember something in a magazine saying they would be the next big thing in tyres, but I could be completely wrong. My memory isn’t what it was! :smiley:

both Bridgestone and Michelin had SS drive tyres that looked like a massive version of an F1 car racing tyre, with some kind of inner tube built into the wheel that would blow up if the tyre was punctured, but the British authorities wouldn’t approve them, as I recall. They were at a big truck show in Germany a few years back, and I do have some faint idea that there was an rhd Magnum with them on that got imported, but it couldn’t get type approval for British roads.




Having seen the other pics, I actually quite like it now. I’m imagining one a bit more colour-coded in diamond black with 70-profile super singles*.

*On the steer axle that is. Magnum anoraks will know what I mean :smiley:

I have a faint recollection of Magnums with SS tyres on the drive axle being imported by accident…and for some reason they couldn’t be converted to UK legal spec.

Do you remember if it was when the then new Magnum was launched? I seem to remember something in a magazine saying they would be the next big thing in tyres, but I could be completely wrong. My memory isn’t what it was! :smiley:

both Bridgestone and Michelin had SS drive tyres that looked like a massive version of an F1 car racing tyre, with some kind of inner tube built into the wheel that would blow up if the tyre was punctured, but the British authorities wouldn’t approve them, as I recall. They were at a big truck show in Germany a few years back, and I do have some faint idea that there was an rhd Magnum with them on that got imported, but it couldn’t get type approval for British roads.

Yes, the inner tube bit rings a bell too. Cheers!

if you google images of aston Clinton haulage magnum you’ll see m700 ach with the single wheels. mr fowler had a fleet of them
when they got brought out by nobbies.

Lord Loopy:
if you google images of aston Clinton haulage magnum you’ll see m700 ach with the single wheels. mr fowler had a fleet of them
when they got brought out by nobbies.

Ironically, its off this site as well. viewtopic.php?f=35&t=35749&hilit=sovtransavto&start=3240

Lord Loopy:
if you google images of aston Clinton haulage magnum you’ll see m700 ach with the single wheels. mr fowler had a fleet of them
when they got brought out by nobbies.

So there is! Thanks for that mate, better than trying to rack my memory :smiley:

Rumour has it that the Magnum equivalent wont be available in RHD. Phew!!

Judging by the sticker in the windscreen I’d say I was wrong about them being fitted when the Magnum was launched… :smiley:

can’t find any of the original ones in ACH’s colours but i think there was about 20 of them about L reg’s :question: .
we used to run along side them on the Kodak work out of hemel.

I think to be fair it was when it was relaunched…as the Integrale (?)

Lord Loopy:
can’t find any of the original ones in ACH’s colours but i think there was about 20 of them about L reg’s :question: .
we used to run along side them on the Kodak work out of hemel.

Here you go: … Ua-cTY76C/

I came back from the launch yesterday and will say I like it!! At least it’s a bit ‘different’. They have done a good job of making the interior different from the Volvo FH too.

One puzzle for me is why Renault get to use the lowered cab on their Premium replacement, yet Volvo tarted up the FM cab.

Best of luck to them I say, they certainly have gone all out with the entire range launch.

Who remembers the Renault Radiance concept truck that was supposed to replace the Magnum? … _12_04.asp

I thought it looked fantastic, but I suppose it will never be now.

There was the Magnum L.S.W which was 6 x 4 with single wheels on the drive axle. L.S.W = Light Single Wheel. At the time people thought you could twin rear wheel it to make it heavy haulage but this did fall foul of regulations and couldn’t legally be done.
There was a Magnum a few years ago that could be specced as 4 x 2 with single wheels on the drive axle.

Wrong quote above Sorry :blush:


I’m going to ask my boss to order me one. Pref. with the lower cab… :smiley: :smiley:

Working on the basis that you’ll never get what you ask for?

Works for teenage children too.

“Son, I think I would be a great idea if you got a tattoo on your face. I’d think you were cool!”

You’ve lost me completely there… :confused: :confused:

I reckon it fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down, the colours used at the launch definatly don’t help, saying that I also disliked the new FH when it was launched, but seeing it liveried up its growing on me. so maybe this will given time to get used to its certainly unique design

Ouch thats harsh :wink: I think you’re right about these trucks growing on you ouce they get their working clothes on.

I like look off it, well the pics on truckstar look allright to me, I think the Premium looks slightly better designed than the Magnum, I wouldnt mind renewing my long history with Renault in either off them :smiley:

One puzzle for me is why Renault get to use the lowered cab on their Premium replacement, yet Volvo tarted up the FM cab.

Maybe its a ploy between Volvo and Renault, make the Magnum look slightly under finished, so it dont compete with the FH, and leave the FM in the old cab so the Premium gets more limelight over its market rival, :wink: or maybe I need more sleep :wink:

Does this renualt have a name ■■?

Looks ok to me , lets see if its got better build quality than previous versions

Does this renualt have a name ■■?

Looks ok to me , lets see if its got better build quality than previous versions

“T” it would seem, for the tractors anyway, different letters for other types, i think :wink: