New Renault Premium has defeated me


Big Truck:

Rob K:

It’s a little toggle lever bottom left of the lower steering column cowling.

Down to release, up to lock. Uses air pressure.

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: There wasn’t one on the one I was driving yesterday. I spent a full 20 mins searching everywhere I could think of. The cowling was clean with no buttons, levers or anything else on it. :open_mouth:

Should have gone to Specsavers :exclamation: :exclamation: :grimacing:

Its there believe me, stand outside cab and look from the floor up along the lefthand side of the steering column and you WILL see a little black toggle switch, it is hard to find though. :wink:

Do you drive a left ■■■■■■ ? :confused:

No why :question: :confused:


Big Truck:

Rob K:

It’s a little toggle lever bottom left of the lower steering column cowling.

Down to release, up to lock. Uses air pressure.

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: There wasn’t one on the one I was driving yesterday. I spent a full 20 mins searching everywhere I could think of. The cowling was clean with no buttons, levers or anything else on it. :open_mouth:

Should have gone to Specsavers :exclamation: :exclamation: :grimacing:

Its there believe me, stand outside cab and look from the floor up along the lefthand side of the steering column and you WILL see a little black toggle switch, it is hard to find though. :wink:

Do you drive a left ■■■■■■ ? :confused:

I was about to ask the same thing. I think he’s got his hands mixed up :stuck_out_tongue: . I’ll have a look next time I get one. As it turned out the adjustment was okay for me, but when I get a new truck I like to go over it and find out what everything does and how it all works :stuck_out_tongue: . I swear, I felt :open_mouth: all up and down the cowling and there was nothing there. Also had a good look at it from both inside the cab and outside, but the cowling was smooth on all sides. :open_mouth:

This is it…

This is it…

There is DEFINITELY NOT one of those in the one I was driving (61 plate). 100% guaranteed. I am not that blind :open_mouth: . Where have they moved it ? ? ? Typically there wasn’t an owner/operator manual in the one I had. :frowning:

ETA: the cowling doesn’t look anything like that in the one I had either. Mine was black for a start and in 3 sections at least, but completely smooth on each section. :confused:

Rob K:

This is it…

There is DEFINITELY NOT one of those in the one I was driving (61 plate). 100% guaranteed. I am not that blind :open_mouth: . Where have they moved it ? ? ? Typically there wasn’t an owner/operator manual in the one I had. :frowning:

ETA: the cowling doesn’t look anything like that in the one I had either. Mine was black for a start and in 3 sections at least, but completely smooth on each section. :confused:

well mine looks like that … minus the boot , clutch pedal and half a tonne of ■■■■ … :open_mouth:


Rob K:

This is it…

There is DEFINITELY NOT one of those in the one I was driving (61 plate). 100% guaranteed. I am not that blind :open_mouth: . Where have they moved it ? ? ? Typically there wasn’t an owner/operator manual in the one I had. :frowning:

ETA: the cowling doesn’t look anything like that in the one I had either. Mine was black for a start and in 3 sections at least, but completely smooth on each section. :confused:

well mine looks like that … minus the boot , clutch pedal and half a tonne of [zb] … :open_mouth:

mine is similar to that too !

Are you sure you were in a Renault Premium?! :laughing:

Rob K:

This is it…

There is DEFINITELY NOT one of those in the one I was driving (61 plate). 100% guaranteed. I am not that blind :open_mouth: . Where have they moved it ? ? ? Typically there wasn’t an owner/operator manual in the one I had. :frowning:

ETA: the cowling doesn’t look anything like that in the one I had either. Mine was black for a start and in 3 sections at least, but completely smooth on each section. :confused:

The new Premiums have a “Thought-Recognition” system fitted. Try sitting in the seat and think about
where you want the wheel to be…and watch it move to the precise position. :smiley: :smiley:


Rob K:

This is it…

There is DEFINITELY NOT one of those in the one I was driving (61 plate). 100% guaranteed. I am not that blind :open_mouth: . Where have they moved it ? ? ? Typically there wasn’t an owner/operator manual in the one I had. :frowning:

ETA: the cowling doesn’t look anything like that in the one I had either. Mine was black for a start and in 3 sections at least, but completely smooth on each section. :confused:

The new Premiums have a “Thought-Recognition” system fitted. Try sitting in the seat and think about
where you want the wheel to be…and watch it move to the precise position. :smiley: :smiley:

What, wedged in the transport managers arse crack for giving me a French truck? Surely not? :wink:

Thats a weird one,i cant see them moving it as it wasnt big or in the way,it must be somewhere else Rob as its not that hard to find with a decent look,got me baffled now,let us know where it is when you do find it,theres plenty of adjustment in them,up and down and the wheel sort of slides out of the colum too if you get me,i will look it up in my owners manual tomorrow and see if it says anything different,i hope you find it soon.

The original ones initially caught me out, they operated like a pair of rearsets on a motorbike. I think Regie had forgotten them in the design stages, maybe they have done the same with Robs new lorry

I just remembered mine was a left ■■■■■■ :blush:

Thats a weird one,i cant see them moving it as it wasnt big or in the way,it must be somewhere else Rob as its not that hard to find with a decent look,got me baffled now,let us know where it is when you do find it,theres plenty of adjustment in them,up and down and the wheel sort of slides out of the colum too if you get me,i will look it up in my owners manual tomorrow and see if it says anything different,i hope you find it soon.

I’ll have another look next time but I’d bet a large amount of money there’s nowt there, seriously.

On a separate note, what does the push lever/button do down the door side of the seat? It’s in the sort of position for an external cupboard door release, but as the truck doesn’t have one… It’s quite stiff to press down. At first I thought it was column adjustment :slight_smile: and so I ragged the column about with it depressed, but didn’t do anything :confused: .

WTF I jsut made a reply to this thread and it’s vanished. :angry: ■■■■ it I’m not writing it out again. Rikki needs to fix this site. :angry: :angry: :angry:

Rob K:

Thats a weird one,i cant see them moving it as it wasnt big or in the way,it must be somewhere else Rob as its not that hard to find with a decent look,got me baffled now,let us know where it is when you do find it,theres plenty of adjustment in them,up and down and the wheel sort of slides out of the colum too if you get me,i will look it up in my owners manual tomorrow and see if it says anything different,i hope you find it soon.

I’ll have another look next time but I’d bet a large amount of money there’s nowt there, seriously.

On a separate note, what does the push lever/button do down the door side of the seat? It’s in the sort of position for an external cupboard door release, but as the truck doesn’t have one… It’s quite stiff to press down. At first I thought it was column adjustment :slight_smile: and so I ragged the column about with it depressed, but didn’t do anything :confused: .

Our Primium units have an external locker on both sides. Thought they all did.
Mine is a 26t rigid which doesn’t,so i’m not sure how they release. :question:

we have 60 plates and 11 plates and the column adjuster is the same as in that picture.

Just driven a brand new 460 and the adjuster is in the usual place, part way down the column cowl just above knee height

~ Craig

Rob K:

Thats a weird one,i cant see them moving it as it wasnt big or in the way,it must be somewhere else Rob as its not that hard to find with a decent look,got me baffled now,let us know where it is when you do find it,theres plenty of adjustment in them,up and down and the wheel sort of slides out of the colum too if you get me,i will look it up in my owners manual tomorrow and see if it says anything different,i hope you find it soon.

I’ll have another look next time but I’d bet a large amount of money there’s nowt there, seriously.

On a separate note, what does the push lever/button do down the door side of the seat? It’s in the sort of position for an external cupboard door release, but as the truck doesn’t have one… It’s quite stiff to press down. At first I thought it was column adjustment :slight_smile: and so I ragged the column about with it depressed, but didn’t do anything :confused: .

mine’s got external lockers, it’s a button you pull on the floor/ door side of the seat ! :wink:

Rob K:
WTF I jsut made a reply to this thread and it’s vanished. :angry: [zb] it I’m not writing it out again. Rikki needs to fix this site. :angry: :angry: :angry:

is it the post I just replied to that’s vanished ?

This is it…

Like I said “stand outside and look along the lefthand side of the steering column.” :unamused:

Rob K:
On a separate note, what does the push lever/button do down the door side of the seat? It’s in the sort of position for an external cupboard door release, but as the truck doesn’t have one… It’s quite stiff to press down. At first I thought it was column adjustment :slight_smile: and so I ragged the column about with it depressed, but didn’t do anything :confused: .

Think you will find it opens the side locker if you PULL IT UP, same on the passenger side, but some are prone to sticking.