New member saying hello

Been a member for a couple of weeks now. So i thought better say hello
and wish everyone a happy new year

■■■■ Turpin:
Been a member for a couple of weeks now. So i thought better say hello
and wish everyone a happy new year

Welcome DT :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

My trainees test at Glos DTC

Thanks DT, welcome to TN, and the same to you. :smiley:

welcome mate,
if you need any advice on law, weights, driving hours and anything related to transport then please feel free to ignore me and ask someone who has a clue!!.. :laughing:

DT welcome, dont let all the ‘doombringers’ put you off, this is a good site :smiley:

Thank you for the warm welcome everybody.Have had class1 30 odd years now. When i get time i will write about the cockups that happen to me when i started and there is a fair few, mainly on european .