New job new motor

Well i have moved jobs again still on tippers just an easier job, started last week just not had chance to post a pic but this is what im in now after 4days on job i was issued it jammy or what :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Well i have moved jobs again still on tippers just an easier job, started last week just not had chance to post a pic but this is what im in now after 4days on job i was issued it jammy or what :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:0

Very nice and a 61 plate too
Look after it

thank you cv68 it will be looked after like the daf i had before just be easier to do here.

Looks good mate
Im supposed to be getting a 61 Plate Daf like your old one in a week or 2 (apparentley)

nice one pal who you work for now?? and the new digi tacho heads are great you dont loose half the time you use to on the old ones.

nice one pal who you work for now?? and the new digi tacho heads are great you dont loose half the time you use to on the old ones.

Back on Varneys mate due to falling out with the planner at new place So back to what i know :smiley:

Nice looking motor mate. Glad to hear new digi’s are sorted!!

the big un:

nice one pal who you work for now?? and the new digi tacho heads are great you dont loose half the time you use to on the old ones.

Back on Varneys mate due to falling out with the planner at new place So back to what i know :smiley:

i’ll keep an eye for you then thought id seen you in a munfords motor on containers few week ago but then thought better off it.

Nice looking motor mate. Glad to hear new digi’s are sorted!!

thanks pal and it has took them long enough to sort them out, Be no movement on law now like before with the 2minute rule that some solicitors were using to get convictions thrown out.

Does Irish Mick from York still work for them?

The Biker:
Does Irish Mick from York still work for them?

im not sure there is a driver called mick only works part time i think not sure if hes irish? not really spoke to anyone at moment.