New job is more than 9 hours of work, not sure break time tachograph rules?

When I was Parcelforce 7.5tons driver, I start at 9am till 5.00-6pm for six months, I took 15-minute break between 9am and 3pm. After 3pm and before 6pm, I took a 30-minute break. No issue, now I have a new job Class 1 which is between 10 and 12 hours per day. I am not sure if this would be right?

Start at 4am, Between 4am to 10am, take 15-minute break. Between 10am and 1pm take a 30-min break (can I allow taking 45-min between 4am and 1pm?) take a 45-minute break after 1pm before the 4pm. Is this correct? I am still backward with Tachograph rules.

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Do an internet search for Drivers Hours Handbook, it might still be available via
A free to download pdf equivalent to about 50 pages of A5 paper, in colour, with the EU and WTD rules in it with a shedload of worked examples. That, plus the video below should help you to get to grips with the rules for yourself, which is what you should aim for rather than have people on here answer it for you.
“Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Same goes for drivers hours related matters.

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If I am reading correctly you may believe that 45 minutes total is required before 9 hours work. This isn’t actually the case.

You are obviously aware of the 6 hour rule already.

Essentially if you complete total work of between 6 and 9 hours, you need 30 minutes in 15 minute blocks.

If you complete work over 9 hours, you need 45 minutes in 15 minute blocks.

Yes, you can be over 9 hours work on only a 15 minute break, but you can’t just finish. You need to take the appropriate additional break(s) (totalling 30 minutes), work for at least a minute then finish.

Similarly you can be over 6 hours on only a 15 minute break, but you need to take another 15 minute break, work for at least a minute then finish.

Edit: I should also say that your driving total may also force when breaks needs to be taken. If you reset your driving with a 45 minute break early on in your shift, you may need another 15 minute break later on as you may be doing another 6 hours total work after that.