New(ish) Pass , still got my test pass certificate?

Question is, do I need to send it off?

I read something about 2 years to do it, i passed 1 year ago or so so do i need to send it off along with my photocard licence?

its for a class 2.

Anyone know?


Can anyone shed any light on this?


I do not know, and cannot see in a quick search any time limits to send off for your full licence.
There may or may not be one?

I can see no advantage in not sending it off ASAP though.
Why not just do it now in case it does cause issues?

And looked again.
Yes two year limit
Getting your full driving licence - GOV.UK.
If you had given your licence to the examiner it would ahve all been done for you. I assume you didn’t for whatever reason, so you need to do it yourself.

Thanks for that.

You assume correctly regards examiner reason being they lost it! so I said I’ll do it the second time round but one thing led to another and didn’t get around to it.

So you did expect the examiner to do in the first place? But they messed up?
That is bad.
But at the moment you should be OK. Good luck!

I was going to go on a course about procrastination, but I didn’t get arou…yeah you know!

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