New in Spain ?.

I’m just in the course of driving down through Spain. I’ve spotted about 3 huge new parking area’s between Irun and Burgos that don’t seem to have any fuel or eating facilities but seem to have a government type sign with something about emergencias on, what are they all about then ?.

i have been told they are for when the police park the trucks up in the bad road conditions “snow ice ect ect” which makes more sense than some of the other daft answers i have heard

sorry forgot to say you will find some more from Burgos and Madrid.

sort of makes sense i suppose.

MMTM They are for all the trucks that get pulled and don’t have enough money to pay the inflated fines :open_mouth:

the new “emergency parking” areas were built shortly after the last strike but the DGT (ministry) insisted they were for bad weather conditions so they could be used to clear the motorways of trucks.
they are all over spain and most drivers believe they are actually for parking trucks away from motorways in case of any further protests or suchlike and others think they are just an excuse for Zapatero to keep the roadworkers employed by building huge un-used areas which some may never get used.
as you have noticed there are no toilets or even a water supply so most spanish drivers wouldn’t be there for long, there’s always a decent restaurant with truck parking its just a question of knowing where they are

They must be multi -purpose as in July and August the will be full of Paris registered Renault Traffic vans piled high with push bikes,towing trailers again loaded with push bikes !!!

Or lots of vans and cars with very high loads on top,all heading South :wink: :laughing:

what is it with bicycles and moro’s?? do they not have bike shops in morocco? i see hundreds every week

There all nicked aren’t they ?.

You were right about there being more of them, there all over the place. No doubt they will all be full of empty plastic bottles in no time. They haven’t half been putting down some new tarmac between Madrid and Malaga haven’t they ?. I thought Spain was meant to be skint ?.

Ex Haulier:
There all nicked aren’t they ?.

You were right about there being more of them, there all over the place. No doubt they will all be full of empty plastic bottles in no time. They haven’t half been putting down some new tarmac between Madrid and Malaga haven’t they ?. I thought Spain was meant to be skint ?.

you won’t see any plastic bottles in them as they are all fenced off and gates are locked.
as far as being skint, the more the government spends to employ people the more votes they get later in 2011, after that then they’ll go crying to the big boys like germany about how the last lot left the mess

Hey WBIS, when did this idea of switching off all the street lights start ?. Black as hell when making my way home at 4 this morning.

Ex Haulier:
Hey WBIS, when did this idea of switching off all the street lights start ?. Black as hell when making my way home at 4 this morning.

depends where you are, our council haven’t been ripped off by a corrupt mayor (yet) so we’ve paid the bills :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Ex Haulier:
Hey WBIS, when did this idea of switching off all the street lights start ?. Black as hell when making my way home at 4 this morning.

depends where you are, our council haven’t been ripped off by a corrupt mayor (yet) so we’ve paid the bills :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

PMSL… Happy New Year… :smiley: :smiley:.Tony.