New forum headers for 2015




Born Idle:


Born Idle:
Eh? Donā€™t presume itā€™s all about you Contraflow.

Iā€™m not, Iā€™m presuming itā€™s all about you. :open_mouth:

Crack on mateā€¦Happy New year.

Same to youā€¦ and you, and you, and you. :laughing:

Whose come over all Jimā€™ll Fix It thenā€¦ :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

More like whoā€™s jimā€™ll fix it come all over

A cross dressing or gay forum. Might get some nice comments about which stockings are best to wear when driving :smiley:

seth 70:
Yep ,does plenty of little comments on how boring and crap tnet is but never posts a topic himselfā€¦like a irritating itch :unamused:

Sorry you feel that way but I canā€™t see the point in childish comments, stupid questions etc.

I have started topics but because Iā€™m not in the clique I donā€™t get many responses :laughing: unless itā€™s controversial then it gets taken over. When a question has been answered, thatā€™s it! What goes off in a lot of forums is really what should happen in chat rooms or rdcā€™s.

My opinion only of course :wink:

A foram four badd spellas :wink:

Thatā€™s automatically included in all forums already :wink: