New forum headers for 2015

A ‘Whats Maritime… Stobarts’ like to work for.

YEP…at least 2 a week,saying that im sick of reading the same old tesco bollox lately :unamused:

What kit to take on a night out forum!!! :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Superstar Forums - Only available to people on less than £8 per hour for Class 1 :laughing: Special dispensation granted to the “Flat to the mat” brigade too.

How about a truck forum for ALL the above - I know, we could call it TruckNet UK :laughing: :smiling_imp:

How about one for anyone wanting to start a thread with the words “I was travelling on (x)road doing the legal limit of (x)mph when I was overtaken”.
These pop up every other day and usually end up about 4 pages long with guys arguing about reporting/not reporting bad driving. But ultimately it is the same old comments,just reworded
And ■■■■ it I just still have to read every post and entry! :smiley:

Howabout a ‘Hero forum’ for those that drive like everybody else but aren’t afraid to admit it.

How about a truck forum for ALL the above - I know, we could call it TruckNet UK :laughing: :smiling_imp:

What net ? maybe wingy net


How about a truck forum for ALL the above - I know, we could call it TruckNet UK :laughing: :smiling_imp:

What net ? maybe wingy net

Yep ,does plenty of little comments on how boring and crap tnet is but never posts a topic himself…like a irritating itch :unamused:

New introduced rules and regs would be good

A foram four badd spellas :wink:

How about “you are a ■■■■■■■■ because you said this 2 years ago”? topic. There are a few posters on here who delight in pointing out what other people have said in the past, but then act dumb when their own ridiculous comments are pointed out to them.
Then can we have a bad Grandmas section please…I nominate (I know, I am old enough) Linzi Drew.

conor says!!!

Born Idle:
How about “you are a [zb] because you said this 2 years ago”? topic. There are a few posters on here who delight in pointing out what other people have said in the past, but then act dumb when their own ridiculous comments are pointed out to them.

Conor/anon84679660/Chas/Happy Keith, is that you?

It’s all starting to make sense now. :open_mouth:

Eh? Don’t presume it’s all about you Contraflow.

Born Idle:
Eh? Don’t presume it’s all about you Contraflow.

I’m not, I’m presuming it’s all about you. :open_mouth:

“Haul of Shame” with Contraflow as the Chairman

A “ZB” one for anyone who uses [zb] more than 5 times in one paragraph

The Bridge Strikes should be a sticky :slight_smile:


Born Idle:
Eh? Don’t presume it’s all about you Contraflow.

I’m not, I’m presuming it’s all about you. :open_mouth:

Crack on mate…Happy New year.

Born Idle:


Born Idle:
Eh? Don’t presume it’s all about you Contraflow.

I’m not, I’m presuming it’s all about you. :open_mouth:

Crack on mate…Happy New year.

Same to you… and you, and you, and you. :laughing:


Born Idle:


Born Idle:
Eh? Don’t presume it’s all about you Contraflow.

I’m not, I’m presuming it’s all about you. :open_mouth:

Crack on mate…Happy New year.

Same to you… and you, and you, and you. :laughing:

Whose come over all Jim’ll Fix It then… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



Born Idle:


Born Idle:
Eh? Don’t presume it’s all about you Contraflow.

I’m not, I’m presuming it’s all about you. :open_mouth:

Crack on mate…Happy New year.

Same to you… and you, and you, and you. :laughing:

Whose come over all Jim’ll Fix It then… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Now then, now then.