New Easy way to upload photos

it seems as if idiots can get this to work

Hi Rikki and Rob that was far easier than using photobucket and I was able to post in around 5 mins. from reading your instructions with out any problems
cheers Johnnie

Hi Folks,
It should make more people log on to view photos .
Cheers Malc

If this works you’ll see a picture of the first kind of truck I got behind the wheel of!

The other problem with photobucket was that if users “tidied up” or moved around their stored images there, the links no longer work.

just to try

Where I need to be if this doesn’t work. :grimacing:
[zb] Creek Paddleshop.jpg

Test Piccy
_MG_5084 (400 x 600).jpg

Rob k or Rikki. Is my above picture ok. Cheers Swinman.

Swinman, if you press the EDIT button above your post you can go back into it and edit it :stuck_out_tongue: . When you do, you’ll see a bit down at the bottom near the ‘attachments’ bit that says ‘place inline’. Click that and it will display the pic properly without the scroll bar when you click on SUBMIT to resend.


I felt left out… :blush:

Test Piccy0

Rikki you need to sort this BS out. I thought you said you’d set ‘unlimited’ for the vertical scroll? Clearly not!

ETA: And why is the pic being removed from the quote? That needs sorting out as well. Still too many glitches with this photo attachment thingy that need to be ironed out. :bulb:

let me have a go now

This method is very easy to use but you cannot see the pictures posted this way unless you are logged on, therefore I presume that guests and search engines will be unable to see them.

testing testing 123…
testing testing 123… :laughing:

Anyone know how to move pics and attachments from one thread to another? Trying to put some Smith and Son Pics all onto same thread as I think a colleague has setup a new Smiths thread instead of adding to the existing one?

Test photo



Help - this aint working for me. I get to the option of upload this file, select the picture and the address appears in the white box. I click the button and the photo address disappears from the box. Also, cant get the option to add in line. What am I doing wrong■■?

Help - this aint working for me. I get to the option of upload this file, select the picture and the address appears in the white box. I click the button and the photo address disappears from the box. Also, cant get the option to add in line. What am I doing wrong■■?

Well blow me down with a little feather and other such phrases. It now works!!!