New driving regs

i currently work as a recovery driver and as such i dont have to use any tachos as the work is within a certain distance of base, but occasionally we do work on behalf of the aa(as they sacked a lot of their drivers).which tends to involve longer runs
question is that on aa work we will need to use tacho but for local work we still wont have to so if i do a local at 5am but then a longer run comes in for which i need to use a tacho at approx 7pm does the work i have done previous have to count to a working day(as start time) or as not used the tacho can the start of duty start at the 7pm time.

sorry if not worded this right but hope some one can clear this up as dont want to run foul of vosa who no doubt will be all over recovery drivers as now coming under their scope

In answer to your question, I haven’t a clue. I spoke to VOSA yesterday with reference to my show truck and was told I would have to use a chart, and show trucks with no tacho head have up to a year to have one fitted. They went on to say that for recognised shows, the drivers hours laws would be relaxed to allow working drivers to attend with thier pride and joy :open_mouth: :confused: :open_mouth: :confused: :confused: :open_mouth: :confused: :open_mouth: :confused: :open_mouth: :confused: :open_mouth:
They really haven’t thought this one through have they!

think i worked it out due to the post on hours with links to the road transport page on the wtd. just seeing if some one will confirm my thoughts on it

Was at a VOSA day late last year and a similar question was asked by a driver of a water pumping tanker or something. Anyway he had a mixed job some of it was standard work on EU regs and some was emergency work.

Basically if you started the day on emergency work then as soon as the job finished you were on EU regs, but as far as I understood the previous work carried was included in you daily hours.

But if you started on normal work and got an emergency callout that took you beyond the end of your shift. Then you could carry on but once the emergency ended then you were back on EU hours, so it would be no good finishing at 2am and then starting at 5am, you would be required to take a legal break before starting work again.

Surely you should be manualling the earlier work onto the card so as to give a full record…? At the very least you should have a log book with you which will show the first run. Since the spreadover rules for EC regs are longer than those for domestic, you’ve nothing to lose by manualling them in to be sure.