New driver starting soon - what to include in induction?


I am taking on an agency driver to drive my 7.5 tonner from Tuesday. At the beginning of the first shift I would like him to sign something that says he received his induction and training to have my back covered.

I want to go through the following bits and ask him to sign that he received the following:

  • vehicle familiarisation including operation of the tail lift
  • training on safe use of ratchet straps
  • training on load distribution
  • training on entering and leaving the cab and the vehicle loading area (if there is no step should I demand him to use the tail lift each time? )
  • instructions on how to use the company fuel card
  • instructions to wear appropriate PPE before leaving the cab
  • information that the vehicle is GPS tracked

I think all the rest should be covered by the Agency policies (drug and alcohol use, absences, lateness, etc… )

Are there any forms or policies that I can easily adopt? Have I missed out anything important?


Background checks, previous employers etc

Honestly !

Download his digicard before he gets in your truck and get him to sign a form stating he has had his weekly rest,

i would never presume that the agency has done all of the H&S stuff or that the driver has understood what he has been told at the agency, it only takes one person to make a claim against your company.
It’s amazing how many people are devoid of what we would call common sense and just how dangerous they are to themselves and others around them, I know we all scoff at the amount of forms and training we have to do to cover off the simplest task these days but it’s nessicary.

A sheet with driver’s hours and breaks for wtd, get them to sign something to say that they understand these rules. You could use it as a defence if they do anything wrong, the driver might not done driver hours for the cpc. also how to use a pallet truck. Manual handling.