new actros

Anyone know why it’s bottom lip (I mean where the front numberplate sits) sticks out so far, looks like it’s sulking from the side


ellies dad:
The adblue tanks is too small i think,and the exhaust is too big. What happened to your own Merc MarkH :question:

Ths gearbox ecu packed up common problem!

We’ve had that go on 3 of our units in just over a month, all 09 reg

It’s a step :exclamation:

Been for a run in one today, a Bigspace (old Megaspace sized cab) 2545. Unfortunately it had to be as a passenger(thanks DVLA) :frowning: then a look around the Gigaspace.
Definately more room from windscreen to rear cab wall, which has gone into the bottom bunk :sunglasses:
Cab ride was no better than my MP2, my cab is on air though and todays new ride cab was on steel springs :neutral_face: .
Cupboards all in the same place, fridge more useful as a deep draw instead of the wide shallow effort in the MP2/3, means bottles of milk can be stood upright rather than on their side where they leak filling the fridge with milk as in the MP2/3 :unamused:
Interior fittings very classy and high quality.
Empty fridge trailer was no test for the engine, but a nice sounding motor though which copes well with the massive block changes the g/box throws at it, it ■■■■■■ the long hill on the A49 from the Tarpoley r/bout at barely more than tickover.
Gearbox was the dogs though :sunglasses: lighting quick changes and always seemed to pick the correct cog on the hilly route and it also mastered the humpback bridge scenario that always catches mine out :blush:
Only downside I could see was the size of the mirrors, they are humungous compared with the MP2 and create a fair old blind spot, although they give a far better view of where you’ve been :stuck_out_tongue:
Although they’re all new they seem very familiar to existing Merc trucks, they’re claiming an MPG improvement of at least 7% over the old truck.

Got for a few days , was out yesterday in if for a few hours but off today , nice drive to Mac Duff tomoro so that will give me a good feel for it , 1st impresion nice altho its a 420 they have gave me , and with 44t on the back it is underpowered , but with auto box so smooth you hard feel changes
Ilike it so far but would obviously prefer the bigger cab , but wont complain to much if he buys me this model lol

Fall monk that’s looks a beauty truck very impressive, it will look very imposing on the road just like the magnum does.



Got for a few days , was out yesterday in if for a few hours but off today , nice drive to Mac Duff tomoro so that will give me a good feel for it , 1st impresion nice altho its a 420 they have gave me , and with 44t on the back it is underpowered , but with auto box so smooth you hard feel changes
Ilike it so far but would obviously prefer the bigger cab , but wont complain to much if he buys me this model lol

Mercedes have definetly raised the bar for the fleet truck :exclamation: :exclamation: Coz that is the what will eventually be the replacement for the Axor when it filters down into the big fleets, looks a cracking motor, would love to have a good run out in one :grimacing: :grimacing:

Dave Penn;


Got for a few days , was out yesterday in if for a few hours but off today , nice drive to Mac Duff tomoro so that will give me a good feel for it , 1st impresion nice altho its a 420 they have gave me , and with 44t on the back it is underpowered , but with auto box so smooth you hard feel changes
Ilike it so far but would obviously prefer the bigger cab , but wont complain to much if he buys me this model lol

The visor and roof horn’s are all that’s missing. Very good report’s on the new Merc so far,the dealer’s where disapointed when it was launched this year as the 2012 sale’s boat has sailed. :exclamation:

It looks amazing … paint it matt black and it wouldnt look out of place in a terminator movie …i love it :smiley:

I had a look around one yesterday.

Looks a nice motor and judging by the pictures nice improvements on the interior.Cant see it being much use on bulk work it looks to low for off road and the bumper doesnt look upto much.