Neighbourhood watch/Road Commander

It would seem that I have been ’ reported ’ today by a member of the public to my superiors :unamused:

Apparently I was ’ tailgating ’ a car in traffic J23 M6 Southbound around 6.30 am. But the informant wasn’t the car that was being ’ tailgated '. So basically a very sad character who has decided to police our Motorways for us.

But…it get’s better. This bellend claims he is a LGV examiner :laughing:

Big Brother is watching us folks :grimacing: (Fortunately for me I have 360 degree CCTV in my wagon so not a problem :wink:) I should have listened at school, this wagon driving lark is [zb] :neutral_face:

Calm down now its the normal jobby muncher thats has no life and thinks he can police the motorways.

I had one 2 wks ago saying I had bit a bridge. :smiling_imp:
The only bridge I went under that day was 15’ 3’’ not arched, my trailer running height is 14’ 6’'.
I told the firm this, and strongly denied it, and they came back with ‘‘Is your trailer damaged’’ I said ‘‘No, it would only be damaged if I had hit a bridge, and I’ve already told you that I didn’t’’ :unamused:

Whoever it was that ‘reported’ me has not been back on since, so make your own mind up, …wrong reg/truck reported, or just general ■■■■ busybody. :imp:

I had one 2 wks ago saying I had bit a bridge. :smiling_imp:
The only bridge I went under that day was 15’ 3’’ not arched, my trailer running height is 14’ 6’'.
I told them this, and strongly denied it, and they came back with ‘‘Is your trailer damaged’’ I said ‘‘No, it would only be damaged if I had hit a bridge, and I’ve already told you that I didn’t’’ :unamused:

Whoever it was that ‘reported’ me has not been back on since, so make your own mind up, …wrong reg/truck reported, or just general [zb] busybody. :imp:

Was you hungry?

I had one 2 wks ago saying I had bit a bridge. :smiling_imp:
The only bridge I went under that day was 15’ 3’’ not arched, my trailer running height is 14’ 6’'.
I told the firm this, and strongly denied it, and they came back with ‘‘Is your trailer damaged’’ I said ‘‘No, it would only be damaged if I had hit a bridge, and I’ve already told you that I didn’t’’ :unamused:

Whoever it was that ‘reported’ me has not been back on since, so make your own mind up, …wrong reg/truck reported, or just general [zb] busybody. :imp:

Must of been hungry Rob to try and eat a bridge :open_mouth:


I had one 2 wks ago saying I had bit a bridge. :smiling_imp:
The only bridge I went under that day was 15’ 3’’ not arched, my trailer running height is 14’ 6’'.
I told them this, and strongly denied it, and they came back with ‘‘Is your trailer damaged’’ I said ‘‘No, it would only be damaged if I had hit a bridge, and I’ve already told you that I didn’t’’ :unamused:

Whoever it was that ‘reported’ me has not been back on since, so make your own mind up, …wrong reg/truck reported, or just general [zb] busybody. :imp:

Was you hungry?

Eh? :neutral_face:

Ok just seen it, I HIT (or rather I didn’t :smiley: ) …not bit. :smiley:

Bit sad though Rob isn’t it? Phoning to grass drivers up especially when they are not even involved in the ’ incident ’ :neutral_face:

I am led to believe that the filth actually encourage members of the public to hand in dashcam footage etc :frowning: A [zb] job being made even worse :unamused:

Can’t run a truck through Usk Monmouthshire, gotta go the long way round. Got a letter through from the council, a helpful member of the public saying they had seen one of ours go through the town. Letter accompanied by threats to the life of your first born followed by nuclear Armageddon if you didn’t cough up dosh.

Tracker showed he went round.

What planet are these Muppets on?

Bit sad though Rob isn’t it? Phoning to grass drivers up especially when they are not even involved in the ’ incident ’ :neutral_face:

I am led to believe that the filth actually encourage members of the public to hand in dashcam footage etc :frowning: A w@nk job being made even worse :unamused:

I reckon sadly it’s just that we are hated by most, and it’s just their way to try and ■■■■ us off.
Mostly practiced by sad losers with no girlfriends, in the local neighbourhood watch, maybe even runs it, who probably collect train numbers, and run a Rover 95 or some other crap car…and wears a cravat. :smiley:


Bit sad though Rob isn’t it? Phoning to grass drivers up especially when they are not even involved in the ’ incident ’ :neutral_face:

I am led to believe that the filth actually encourage members of the public to hand in dashcam footage etc :frowning: A w@nk job being made even worse :unamused:

I reckon sadly it’s just that we are hated by most, and it’s just their way to try and ■■■■ us off.
Mostly practiced by sad losers with no girlfriends, in the local neighbourhood watch, maybe even runs it, who probably collect train numbers, and run a Rover 95 or some other crap car…and wears a cravat. :smiley:

Cravat wearing police informant.jpg

Mayby said people should give back all the stuff they bought that has come on the back off a truck.Then see what there left with that would change there mind.

Apparently I was ’ tailgating ’ a car in traffic J23 M6 Southbound around 6.30 am. But the informant wasn’t the car that was being ’ tailgated '. So basically a very sad character who has decided to police our Motorways for us.

If you phoned up to complain about every truck tailgating cars on motorways in rush hour you’d never be off the phone. Hell the pallet network boys could keep you busy on their own.

Should have a office or boss on the other end of the phone who really doesnt give a toss…i was reported years ago when on tippers. just took the silver fuse box thingy out…anyway this person phoned to say i was doing 70 mph…boss says…thanks for reporting him, i pay good money to my drivers to do the maximum work…and my trucks are capable of doing 90 mph…he could stop laughing when he was telling a few of us drivers…but by the same reckoning…was doing work for the m.o.d. and as we know theyre policed…drivers have to be vetted etc ( with no irish at the time ) so as i approached the gatehouse, a car followed me…had many notches on his windscreen, said my vehicle was spraying stones all over his car and screen…the police man left the gatehouse to see what was up…this driver was ranting and raving…the policeman inspected my chassis ( which was jet washed every night on return to the depot…with a body up wash ) the police man then proceeded to climb up the ladder at the back to look inside…then he climbed down, and said to the car driver…It wasnt this truck that did your damage..its loaded with CLAY …driver gets in car and makes a hasty retreat…he tried once more to contact the company…but after a few swearwords from the boss…decided not to take up his offer of coming to the yard to show the damage that was caused by a body full of clay…good job really cos the last guy that did it, had his vehicle written off when the grab loader accidently hit it. ha ha