Need a new start


Heard three of yours whining on the CB the other night Russ, one was from NI, the other two had a west country ish twang, they were definitely still in UK mode :unamused:

To be fair, the operation is very poorly run so people are complaining. Upper management are basically leaving lower management to run things and they are absolutely clueless. People with their heads screwed on properly are more than likely riding it out till they get PR, i would estimate that if no one is focused on driver retention then they will be left with millions of $s worth of Volvos parked up and no drivers as their LMOS for the next intake are in Alberta. I hope im wrong as there`s some good guys working there and the job could be a really good one but they need to up their game to improve it and I dont see signs of it happening.

I have read quotes like this since beyond when :unamused: . Are the employers ever going to realize the benefits of retention ?
Sean originally came here with Yanke and did his time with them until PR before bailing , you would’ve thought he of all people might have the foresight to see where his drivers will be headed if they’re not looked after . With the silly season being almost upon us , those that aren’t happy now will be fleeing in their droves very shortly .
Oh well , Happy Thanksgiving you lot , enjoy your turkey :smiley:

flat to the mat:


Heard three of yours whining on the CB the other night Russ, one was from NI, the other two had a west country ish twang, they were definitely still in UK mode :unamused:

To be fair, the operation is very poorly run so people are complaining. Upper management are basically leaving lower management to run things and they are absolutely clueless. People with their heads screwed on properly are more than likely riding it out till they get PR, i would estimate that if no one is focused on driver retention then they will be left with millions of $s worth of Volvos parked up and no drivers as their LMOS for the next intake are in Alberta. I hope im wrong as there`s some good guys working there and the job could be a really good one but they need to up their game to improve it and I dont see signs of it happening.

I have read quotes like this since beyond when :unamused: . Are the employers ever going to realize the benefits of retention ?
Sean originally came here with Yanke and did his time with them until PR before bailing , you would’ve thought he of all people might have the foresight to see where his drivers will be headed if they’re not looked after . With the silly season being almost upon us , those that aren’t happy now will be fleeing in their droves very shortly .
Oh well , Happy Thanksgiving you lot , enjoy your turkey :smiley:

The simple answer is no lol retention is a swear word over here

Sod off Troll :unamused: