Need a new start

see above

First of all, I think you should hear both sides of the story before you start posting comments on this site, after all you are quoting second hand information.
I work as a truck driver for this company that your so called experienced mate had the chance to work for.
I started work for this company in June 2008,after moving from the UK in 2007 with my wife and two children. This company and its owners have been nothing but good to myself and family, in fact we feel like one big family !
I have not experienced any of the circumstance’s your friend (so called did)
I have never been put under pressure to do anything illegal, I am left to my own devices, I mainly run reefer to California, but also run hopper grain when asked to, flexibility is the name of the game in trucking.
This company go out of their way to ensure they have a happy workforce, never quibble if I ask for time off, and will go out of their way to get me home for, appointments, local functions, etc.
As for driving over the speed limit, impossible, their trucks are limited to 105 kms, or 65 mph, as we do venture into Ontario where its law to have speed limiters !
I am not going into what your friend did while with this company, but all I will say is if you call him experienced I would like to know where he got it from. Because if it was left to me, I would not give him a licence to push a shopping cart !
Very satisfied employee, been in a truck since 1982 all over Europe and now all over North America

  • The phone number has been removed. Do that by PM *

NMM :wink:

not a problem it will all come out in the wash…
thanks :laughing: :laughing: ex boss finally contacted my friend.

not a problem it will all come out in the wash…
thanks :laughing: :laughing: ex boss finally contacted my friend.

Just as I thought, nothing to back up your accusations !

:unamused: Can’t help but think this thread won’t end on a happy note . Enter stage left Riiikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkiiiiiiii

flat to the mat:
:roll: Can’t help but think this thread won’t end on a happy note . Enter stage left Riiikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkiiiiiiii

No need for intervention, no rules have been broken and it isn’t a slanging match, if that changes, my delete button is locked and loaded.


flat to the mat:
:roll: Can’t help but think this thread won’t end on a happy note . Enter stage left Riiikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkiiiiiiii

No need for intervention, no rules have been broken and it isn’t a slanging match, if that changes, my delete button is locked and loaded.

Mark, your right, this will not be a slanging match, but when someone comes on here making false accusation’s about the Company I work for, I think I have the right to defend the said company !

Yes you certainly do have that right :wink:

You can even argue about it, just don’t get personal or start throwing insults at each other and it will be fine :wink:

Hi there,
don’t go to Canada!!!
I been there and came back with family. 95 Percent of all Truck river who went there came back.
The pay is so low that you cant pay you Rent.

Choose the right company and you will make money, choose the wrong company and no matter how hard you are willing to work you will not succeed with them… it’s the same the world over.


Hi there,
don’t go to Canada!!!
I been there and came back with family. 95 Percent of all Truck river who went there came back.
The pay is so low that you cant pay you Rent.

Choose the right company and you will make money, choose the wrong company and no matter how hard you are willing to work you will not succeed with them… it’s the same the world over.

Can i just say I agree completely with this BUT, you also need to lose the UK attitude to working and complaining about everything( not a personal shot just a generalisation) and apply yourself fully to make it work. We make good money where we work but even so, a quarter of this years intake have gone home so far and i fully expect that to rise to a third by the end of the year. This is mainly due to people falling out of the plane with dollar signs in their eyes and not living realistically when theyre starting off. I remember FTTM telling people on here to stay away from the flash houses, the new pick up trucks, snowmobiles and jet skis until youre settled and established, this is fantastic advice and i can only think that if some of my former colleagues had done this along with more research they would have had more success.

Heard three of yours whining on the CB the other night Russ, one was from NI, the other two had a west country ish twang, they were definitely still in UK mode :unamused:

Heard three of yours whining on the CB the other night Russ, one was from NI, the other two had a west country ish twang, they were definitely still in UK mode :unamused:

To be fair, the operation is very poorly run so people are complaining. Upper management are basically leaving lower management to run things and they are absolutely clueless. People with their heads screwed on properly are more than likely riding it out till they get PR, i would estimate that if no one is focused on driver retention then they will be left with millions of $s worth of Volvos parked up and no drivers as their LMOS for the next intake are in Alberta. I hope im wrong as there`s some good guys working there and the job could be a really good one but they need to up their game to improve it and I dont see signs of it happening.

That’s a shame :cry:

Although I’m not surprised, having been to Loblaws (Western Grocers) warehouses in the past, I have to say they are unquestionably the worst places I have ever delivered to on this side of the world.

So much so that on my return from one visit to the Winnipeg ■■■■ hole I told my boss I would quit before I ever went back there.

I have never encountered a more obnoxious BOCs in my life, which considering I’ve been a lorry driver for 27yrs is saying something :unamused:

That’s a shame :cry:

Although I’m not surprised, having been to Loblaws (Western Grocers) warehouses in the past, I have to say they are unquestionably the worst places I have ever delivered to on this side of the world.

So much so that on my return from one visit to the Winnipeg [zb] hole I told my boss I would quit before I ever went back there.

I have never encountered a more obnoxious BOCs in my life, which considering I’ve been a lorry driver for 27yrs is saying something :unamused:

Here here! Loblaws on this side of the continent are just as bad.

They send out $1500 fines to the trucking company if a driver turns up without a hi viz and safety boots :open_mouth:

They send out $1500 fines to the trucking company if a driver turns up without a hi viz and safety boots :open_mouth:

They certainly do. I hate the places with a passion.

We don’t go there very often thankfully :sunglasses:

Although Safeway are not much better now. They had a little scam where a lumper would come out (only in the middle of the night) and tell you the load needed breaking down and they could do it for $150 cash only. As it’s a freezer you can’t go in yourself without the right clothes, so they had you by the ■■■■■■■■. The office staff were obviously getting a drink out of it. My bosses kicked off about it, we do direct work for Safeway, so there’s no way we’re paying anybody to get unloaded. Now there are signs up everywhere saying this practice is not Safeway policy and is not allowed.

The last few times I’ve been to Safeway have been all night affairs, I don’t think the two things are unrelated :laughing:

Not that I give a toss, I’m in my bunk on hourly pay. Earned an extra $320 from their ‘revenge’ last week and slept like a log :sunglasses:

Luckily I’m not in those sorts of places much any more. In my Donnelly Farms days that was just about all I did. There was one place I went once just near Richmond, VA that tried to pull this sort of nonsense, it wasn’t a scam as such but I had no intention of paying out of my own pocket and as it was 4am there was no way to get hold of any one so I just told them I was going to bed and I’d see them in more sociable hour. The shock and horror on their faces when they realised that I didn’t care and only wanted to go to bed and the fact that they weren’t going to get their delivery of spuds soon made them waiver the entire lumper fee, funny that.

I’ve also had it in Detroit where an African American gentleman has appeared at my truck door while on a loading dock, informing me that theres a lumper fee of $100. Who wants the fee? I asked, he replied that he was the lumper. He soon disappeared when I thought it was odd that a lumper wouldn’t have come from the warehouse but from a parked car outside the gate on the road but I’d be more than happy to discuss his demands with the office staff inside and possibly the police afterwards. White men can’t jump but black men can certainly move pretty quickly in Detroit. Cant imagine why.

I love it when they realise that we ain’t kidding and it dawns on them that we really don’t give a ■■■■ :laughing:



Hi there,
don’t go to Canada!!!
I been there and came back with family. 95 Percent of all Truck river who went there came back.
The pay is so low that you cant pay you Rent.

Choose the right company and you will make money, choose the wrong company and no matter how hard you are willing to work you will not succeed with them… it’s the same the world over.

Can i just say I agree completely with this BUT, you also need to lose the UK attitude to working and complaining about everything( not a personal shot just a generalisation) and apply yourself fully to make it work. We make good money where we work but even so, a quarter of this years intake have gone home so far and i fully expect that to rise to a third by the end of the year. This is mainly due to people falling out of the plane with dollar signs in their eyes and not living realistically when theyre starting off. I remember FTTM telling people on here to stay away from the flash houses, the new pick up trucks, snowmobiles and jet skis until youre settled and established, this is fantastic advice and i can only think that if some of my former colleagues had done this along with more research they would have had more success.

Couldn’t agree more. My first company here i really struggled n ended up paying my bills from my savings. I wasn’t a happy bunny. Changed firms and now got a much better lifestyle then i could ever have in the uk. A tip I can give is unless you need one or come over with a wedge of $$$$ try n hang out for your tax return to get a car everyone wants your money n can pick up a good deal