after a couple hours driving I always get pain in my neck, some days are worse than others, but it always happens in exactly the same place, about the 4th or 5th notch down from the top of my spine. This notch feels different to all the others in my spine, it feels like it clics and moves a bit when i press my fineger over it. It only affects me driving lorries, im fine when in my car. it also makes its presence felt when lifting heavy parcels etc…
Ive had it for a few years and saw a doctor about a year and a half ago who just said i needed to exercise it more, but im thinking of going again for a second opinion.
Does anybody else suffer from this and anybody got any tips or advice for easing the pain?
Cheers, lee
Eeeeek! I started with issues like that and ended up retired from driving by the age of 34. I would like to think I am a rare case though so please don’t panic. It turned out that I have a rare form of arthritis along with other autoimmune problems. I am now on a life long drug regime that include anti organ rejection drugs plus medication for malaria, which serve the purpose of suppressing my immune system.
I am well now but it has changed my life considerably. I am presuming that your problems are a repetitive strain injury type issue because that is a much more cheerful outcome and if that is the case then IMHO it is worth asking your GP to refer you for physio therapy, I was very sceptical but it really helps.
Good luck and please let us know how you get on.