Kate, your turning this into a slinging match, I don’t care to argue with you, I am entitled to my opinion on it. I don’t care for Kerry or any of his lily livered friends, but thats my personal opinion, I don’t try to shove it down anyones throats.
As far as taxes go, those were child rebate and married person rebate checks.
Firearms, I, here in Arizona am entitled to carry whatever I please, this includes an assault weapon, of which mine are an AK-47 and an AR-15, I don’t go out on the streets with them, I am armed 95% of the time with a simple 9mm.
The line “If you don’t live here, you’ll never know” is a line I told me friends in Edinburgh. I used it because people in Edinburgh, I don’t believe, know the full story of life here in America, other than what is broadcast on the nightly news. They obviously don’t care for whoever may be in the White House, if it had been Gore, you would have heard the same thing. My quote was not aimed at you or any other person in the US, it was purely a figure of speech.
You guys in the North East are quite obviously staunch democrats, and thats up to you. Like I said, everyone is entitled to their opinion, not everyone will agree with you and rightly so. This is the land of the free and a good democracy.
SO, like I said, I don’t care to argue, you have your opinions, I have mine, I guess, we will beg to differ.