I pass this house almost daily, but it makes me think every time, especially stuck behind a tractor.
Its on the A17 around Moulton / Holbeach there is a body of an old BT van saying Rave Technical on the side, but also electrical insulators wanted. He / She also has an old telegraph pole with 10 ish insulators fitted in his front garden. Im curious why if there is a story to it, or if anyone else has thought about it ?
I noticed that house the other day and wondered why he wants Insulators!
I pass this house almost daily, but it makes me think every time, especially stuck behind a tractor.
Its on the A17 around Moulton / Holbeach there is a body of an old BT van saying Rave Technical on the side, but also electrical insulators wanted. He / She also has an old telegraph pole with 10 ish insulators fitted in his front garden. Im curious why if there is a story to it, or if anyone else has thought about it ?
I think I’ve seen this. There’s another house further back near swineshead bridge that has old mil vehicles scattered about and a massive aerial sticking out the garden 
The box body is from an ex BT van that was used by Brylaine Travel in Boston as a support vehicle for bus breakdowns. As for the rest of it it’s anyone guess, they are all local people with local ways around there. 
The telegraph pole with the insulators on is more than likely from the railway, used for telephone and signalling equipment etc.
Can’t answer the original enquiry directly, but if you want to be afraid for the sanity of (wo)mankind then there’s a telegraph pole appreciation society and lots of people collecting these things! The A17 house gets a mention below although no specifics.
telegraphpoleappreciationsoc … insulators