My what a hard week

Had to start Sunday night at 7.00pm, down to NYC, hook to a dry bulk tank and get it loaded at 1.00 am Monday, drop and hook in Bethlehem PA (2 hours sleep), back to NYC and off till 7.00 am Tuesday, load and deliver St Albans VT, home for the night, down to NYC to drop and hook and deliver Allentown PA, back to NYC for 6.00pm, hook to another at 4.00am Thursday and deliver Waterbury VT, back as far as the TA at exit 28 on I-84 in CT for 10 hours, this morning hook to another and deliver St Albans VT then home for the weekend … 2512 miles and knackered :laughing:

Think of all the mega bucks Pat :wink: :wink: :laughing:


Easiest week I’ve ever had. 38 hours, paid 50. So slack at our place it’s unreal. We normally send a rigid into London every day, none of us has been near this week. And I’ve been given Monday off

Think of all the mega bucks Pat :wink: :wink: :laughing:


Err sadly it makes no difference mate as I am on a set minimum weekly wage :frowning:

Pat Hasler:
Err sadly it makes no difference mate as I am on a set minimum weekly wage :frowning:

I should think so, with only 2512 miles! Due to one thing and another, I only managed 2793 miles this week, most annoying.

Makes my 2546kms look ■■■■ poor lads . Although whilst dancing on ice yesterday along TC1 I witnessed a Manitoulin Taliban driver do a complete 180 and enter the ditch backwards , every cloud etc :lol .