I think some people need to go back and read my original posts. The laptop is NOT an issue. I’m fully aware that it should not be open and while thought it a bit heavy handed had no problem with getting a prohibition for it. As an aside they gave and removed the prohibition before even telling me about it!
The issue is the table. It’s effect on my visibility is minimal. As stated in my email to them, a Scania with a table still has as much visibilty as an XF DAF. They are being over the top in enforcing the law creating tesion between them and drivers. Tensions that did not exsist before.
And just for the record, I have a standard truck apart from the table. No frilly curtains, nothing in windscreen (not even bull fighting spears!), and no spot lights apart from the standard Scania things.
But I would still dare to tell, that is much more propably that Irish driver drives Irish lorries than foreigner drives Irish lorry.
You must be joking, most Irish companies use many many more foreign drivers than Irish. They did before the UK did. It was a craze Nolans started. And before this post turns into a hateful rant I’m just stating a fact. As far as I’m concerned I dont care who works where. I am after all a foreigner working for an Irish company myself, being English.
You must be joking, most Irish companies use many many more foreign drivers than Irish. They did before the UK did. It was a craze Nolans started. And before this post turns into a hateful rant I’m just stating a fact. As far as I’m concerned I dont care who works where. I am after all a foreigner working for an Irish company myself, being English.
Didn’t knew that… But all drivers of irish lorries I ever met were Irish or British.
You must be joking, most Irish companies use many many more foreign drivers than Irish. They did before the UK did. It was a craze Nolans started. And before this post turns into a hateful rant I’m just stating a fact. As far as I’m concerned I dont care who works where. I am after all a foreigner working for an Irish company myself, being English.
Didn’t knew that… But all drivers of irish lorries I ever met were Irish or British.
your lucky orys,anytime i`ve gone over to have a chat with an irish truck driver they always foreign!
You know the ones with the colour coded pallets… anybody else seen that?
Red sticker on pallet= red dot on run sheet lol
sorry for going off topic, its orys fault again hehehe
Wheel Nut:
Mike. I quoted the back of the VOSA booklet as you seem to think they don’t have any enforcement powers. VOSA must be the only civilians who can do a vehicle stop on the motorway without relying on a blue light and a warrant card. I think it is the job of DVLA to issue and check driving licences while VOSA are more interested in Operator Licensing. I started a thread on here last year wanting more police. I want more fair enforcement not less. No one is asking for civil servants with an abuse of power.
The same operators who we all work for and without a threat of enforcement would have conditions of work harking back to the Victorian mill owners. In my earlier thread I said that some do abuse a power, but for me I would sooner have them around then “the deliver at 8am or you can clear your cab” companies that I certainly have worked for and I’m sure you have too. You must have also heard the rant about knowing where the gate is.
As you seem to think that the Polish driver with the laptop is an urban myth. I took that example from these TN forums. How many posts are there about smelly Eastern Bloc drivers overtaking in the 3rd lane, with no wing tops and a recently damaged cab? How many of these posts normally finish with a “yeah and he was having a crap while watching star trek as well”
Ive never heard of a driver done for having a laptop in the window either, but again there are many stories, even on this thread about being told to remove them.
Well Good!
Well you’re right, sooner have them around than not have them, but by christ they make it hard to have any respect for them with some of the stunts they pull. You could pretty much guess that the PG9 that Switchlogic was issued and then they recinded was recorded as such. Gone are the days when you’d of just been told to make sure its closed and not do it again.
I do know they have lots of enforcement powers, i just doubt their ability to use them even handedly. I love their motto or whatever you call it
Saving lives, safer roads, cutting crime, protecting the environment
Pah !! As a lorry driver its your job to treat them with the contempt they deserve !
We’ve already had the case of a dog warden being responsible for prosecuting a tipper driver in North Wales for littering and smoking in his cab (littering was throwing his ciggarette ■■■■ out the window)
That’s because they are no longer dog wardens, you no longer have parking wardens or anti-smoking wardens or litter wardens. They have all been lumped together and are now called “Civil Enforcement Officers” (CEO). These people have a raft of powers to enable them to squeeze every bit of enjoyment out of your life!!
Out of all the people in uniform that we have to meet i think there is only you lot and the firebrigade that its actually good news to see !!
I’ll just chuck this comment in the pot, the Kermits this summer made it a specific offence to have any monitor or screen viewable from the driving position that is not a generic gps/sat nav system, (Les Routiers about July issue), this has been brought in because of the problems with commie bloc drivers travelling with their laptops open in the middle of the windscreen following microsoft autoroute or whatever
Gunner Til I Die:
I’ll just chuck this comment in the pot, the Kermits this summer made it a specific offence to have any monitor or screen viewable from the driving position that is not a generic gps/sat nav system, (Les Routiers about July issue), this has been brought in because of the problems with commie bloc drivers travelling with their laptops open in the middle of the windscreen following microsoft autoroute or whatever
That is going to cause problems for tippers where health and safety demand a reversing camera/cctv screen
Also a lot of new double decker buses (and some single deckers) have cctv for reversing and to replace the periscope for monitering the upper deck
Gunner Til I Die:
I’ll just chuck this comment in the pot, the Kermits this summer made it a specific offence to have any monitor or screen viewable from the driving position that is not a generic gps/sat nav system, (Les Routiers about July issue), this has been brought in because of the problems with commie bloc drivers travelling with their laptops open in the middle of the windscreen following microsoft autoroute or whatever
When going forwards just use the screen as a coathook. And for the one in the bus tell em the courier was watching it
Gunner Til I Die:
I’ll just chuck this comment in the pot, the Kermits this summer made it a specific offence to have any monitor or screen viewable from the driving position that is not a generic gps/sat nav system, (Les Routiers about July issue), this has been brought in because of the problems with commie bloc drivers travelling with their laptops open in the middle of the windscreen following microsoft autoroute or whatever
And for the one in the bus tell em the courier was watching it
A bit difficult on OMO services (One man [or woman for the pc brigade] operated)
If you get a prohibition for having a laptop open in the winscreen does that get recorded on the companys o licence. As that seems a bit unfair as there is no way the company could be to blame for that.
I have had my own experince of overzelaous vosa officers. I was stopped while driving a truck for my previous employer who had serious dealings with vosa over maintence but to be fair had realy got things in order and a vosa examiner went through the truck front to back twice and put a prohibition on it for a faulty load sensor valve. I had a look under the truck myself and saw a lump of dried mud on the operating rod (not hard to happen on a tipper on muck away in winter)
after a a minute with a wire brush the problem was solved and they removed the prohibition there and then but it still went on record and is a black mark for someone who was trying to do it right.
But i suppouse thats this country and government full stop. Why do you need common sense when you have rules.
Gunner Til I Die:
I’ll just chuck this comment in the pot, the Kermits this summer made it a specific offence to have any monitor or screen viewable from the driving position that is not a generic gps/sat nav system, (Les Routiers about July issue), this has been brought in because of the problems with commie bloc drivers travelling with their laptops open in the middle of the windscreen following microsoft autoroute or whatever
I just found this out too. I’m just about to get onto my local trading standards office as i have noticed Halfords are currently selling a range of nine ‘in dash DVD players’, should be fun
Maybe you could explain yourself then? Me being irish I get right ■■■■■■ off
with being called a “paddy”. ive obviously missed something all this time!!
You telling me people have been calling me a truck?