My pride dented!

Pics kind of tell the whole story here! Some chump cut down a lampost and left it there in the dark, i drove over it after giving some kids running around a minibus in a truckstop a wide berth, tyre popped, unit slumped, diesel tank ruptured, all hell broke loose!


i hope yourboss is trying to find out who is responsible for the lamp post being cut and just left like that.

i dont like namby pamby health and safety crap we have to put up with but that is a serious breach i believe!

The guy in the fuel station has hinted at a resurfacing claim!!!

then counter claim against him if its on his forecourt!

Didn’t know MAN had developed an engine that runs on peat!!! Did you just sweep it up and put it back in the tank? :smiley:

I’d pass all the details to your Company Insurers, they will have a field day with this!!. No barrier round it, no warning lights, the list goes on, definitely not your fault :wink:


Did you manage to catch much in that bottle or were you running on fumes■■?

:laughing: Sorry fella.

I think you’ll find that as no cone or other warnings were in place around the stub of the post, they haven’t a leg to stand on.

Having just re read this i feel the need to explain that the natural traffic flow is along the path of the curb pictured, kinda makes sense why i was driving down the curb!!!

Looks like that could have been far worse, in different circumstances.

I can’t believe it was left like that, unless some kids had nicked the warning signs, tape, etc :open_mouth:

I can’t believe it was left like that, unless some kids had nicked the warning signs, tape, etc :open_mouth:

or the fella with the garage. :imp:

jessicas dad:

I can’t believe it was left like that, unless some kids had nicked the warning signs, tape, etc :open_mouth:

or the fella with the garage. :imp:

If it was Liverpool then the oiks had probably nicked the lamppost in the frst place… lmao.

thats true lol !! :open_mouth:

Looks nasty mate! Similar thing happened to me a few years ago, but it was a piece of steel that fell off a scrap tipper I was following, that ruptured my tank. Got reg no. but couldnt prove anything, made it a bit slippy round Knutsford though!

Like others have already said…I’d reckon you have a very good chance of making a successful claim against the garage owner. Go for it!