This is my little friend Joel please read the story and watch the news report.
I was hit by the bad news on Friday that the marrow transplant cannot go ahead now everything has been done that can be done NOW nothing else can be done for him, we are having Christmas for him next week.
it’s these cases that make me ponder life.
i’ve had a life yet survive this terrible disease, he hasn’t had a chance, poor little soul
i’m gutted for him
Just read the thread about the little lad waiting for a transplant, but can someone tell me at 58 why I am too old to give bone marrow and unlike all other organs such as kidneys / liver etc. the age limit for bone marrow is set at (I think) 45 years old?
Is it a medical reason os something else as I would have thought that like myself a lot of people would come forward for such a thing.
Incidentally I support the option of signing for the donating of organs on your licence unless the donors family say otherwise as this saves the doctors having to approach the relatives of the deceased to ask for permission to take organs for transplant at a difficult time.
Joel went in to hospital last week due to the cancer spreading up his spine and entering his head he is now on some serious morphine, I phoned his mother recently to ask how she was and all she could say was that the next time she leaves hospital she will be on her own.
I just got off the phone to another freiend who was at hospital last night and I was going to go with my owen kids to see him they recommened I DONT take my kids as he is very very ill and has lost a lot of weight .
We have just been told he has less than 2 weeks of life left.
If there is any injustice in life I think I have just found it.
Its kinda funny isnt it you bury your parents you expect them to die one day they are older than you they live their life get old and die, YOU NEVER EVER EXPECT TO BURY YOUR CHILDREN.
My heart goes out to this little boy,s family at this time as it is so sad that there (it appears) nothing we can do to help him.
I am not going to talk about religion on this one but if as they say there is a God supposedly watching over us then why has this little chap got to go through all this pain and suffering at such a young age?
Also why the hell do we have the likes of Brady / Sutcliffe / Huntley alive and well in a safe and secure environment even if it is prison, why don,t we use these low life scum bags to try and save someone else,s life such as little Joel?
As I have already asked in an earlier post does any one know the reason why the age limit for bone marrow is set at 45 as there must be a lot of people like myself who would gladly give B/M for the treatment of someone like little Joel?
Last night I went to see him in hospital as I was told he didnt have much time left, IK was horrified to see my little friend in the state he was in i wont go in to detail but he was in extreme pain.
I could go in to a major rant about the nurses but I guess they were doing whatever they can and apperently to get Morphine from one end of the hospital to the other is a majof ■■■■■■■ task.
Joel died last night just before midnight his pain and suffering are over.