My first week on an Artic too

Was just reading Sinclair89 post on his first week on an Artic , thought I would do the same as I’ve just completed my first week too , and if you want perfect punctuation ,spelling ,grammar ect buy the Telegraph it will ramble on a little so here goes

Got a start this week with a local general haulier up till the Xmas period ,so very grateful for the start as I’ve only had my class 1 since last November and only used it very occasionally and I mean very occasional as my past employer didn’t have any class 1 vehicles and weren’t in the transport business ,as I said used it now and again over the last year till I finished up with my local council because wait for it I always wanted to be a Trucker.

Yes I am a newbie , have I made mistakes this week , of course I have ,have I had people toot their horn at me yep , have I cut someone up yep , have I had a coffee bean gesture or is your seatbelt on gesture yep ,have I been pulled by Vosa too this week yep,and lastly did I look through rose tinted glasses upon the industry all of the above this week folks.

Anyway Day one picked up unit ( a Scanny R440 auto box 3 pedal ) and curtainsider at the yard around 0600 ,did checks and headed to Troon sawmill to pick up a load for the Greater Manchester area , of course a Monday morning load not ready and wouldn’t be ready for another hour or more , so phoned boss just as a courtesy call to put him in the picture that I would be a bit later on getting underway , so got loaded eventually and strapped the load down and closed the curtains , got underway and headed down to the Lancashire area , picked up fuel on the way down at the Fleece , got down and got first of my 3 drops off as its timber yards only got one off which to be fair after all my hold ups ect my boss didn’t think I would make any drops till the next day , so was head of the game by one .

Day 2 made my other 2 drops ,as I had parked up the nite before in the industrial estate for one of the two drops it went well and was tipped early and then made drop number three ,then made my way over to St Helens for my backload to Glasgow which again parked outside the delivery point for an early tip next morning .

Day 3 tipped at the Glasgow delivery early and then headed to the yard for another load of timber for a 3 dropper around the Preston area so headed south once again , managed to get one of the drops off that afternoon as when I arrived at the first drop it wasn’t booked in till the following day and they weren’t expecting me , but turned on my Scottish charm of be nice to people and they’ll be nice to you ,the forkie says okay driver bring it in get it off just now and you’ll be on your way , no arguing shouting or falling out with people , tipped and away toot of the horn and a wave , got my second off last thing and day 3 was over parked up for the nite and reflected on the week so far,yer it’s hard going at times wrestling with curtains in the wet and windy days , and strapping down loads especially timber or anything for that matter ,well what did I expect curtains would
Open themselves by magic and ratchet straps would attach miraculously , hello wake up call numpty get on with it , this what you signed up for .

Day 4 last of the 3 drops and then over for a backload to Glasgow from St Helens once again , day going fine arrived at backload pick up at a decent time then head North and thinking nice wee run up to Glasgow and unload on the Friday morning and then mayb a little local run on Friday to finish week off eh naw numpty Vosa had other ideas to (zb) your day took me to a checkpoint in there for ages checked everything over right down to my CPC card and Tacho card fair enough everything in order but lost valuable WTD time , they don’t do anything with any great speed do they , anyway put my boss in the picture of the drama’s he says don’t worry your not going to Glasgow your doing a trailer swap at the Fleece and then head for Grimsby and backload from Scunthorpe ( general areas not right in Grimsby or Scunthorpe both were industrial estates outside each of them ) so the wee local run around Glasgow on Friday wasn’t long in getting oot of my pea sized brain , any way run home on Friday and was done by 6 and home in time to see Scotland win 1-0

What did I learn this week number 1- How to drive an Auto with a 3rd Pedal as I only had driven a 3 over 3 Scanny with a splitter up in till then

Number 2 - Timber yards can be tricky for reversing

Number 3 - RDC , the more room you have can be just as tricky ,why you say ,well in the tight Timber yards it’s only going in a small tight area so you know where you’ve got to reverse to , whilst in the RDC to much room and I managed to ■■■■ it up with a couple or three shunts to get square on a bay , mayb to much time to think I don’t know .

Number 4 - be nice to people , it does go a long way and use it to your advantage

Number 5 - when I had a wee struggle here and there this week not one Driver let me down every one helped me or gave me good advice , no I don’t want someone to jump in and do it for me , just guide me in or talk me through it

Number 6 - yes I did enjoy it , a little stressful now and again but that’s part of it and learning curve

Well that’s a wee diary of my escapade of the week , hope you made it to the end of this fair ramble cheers guys any advice welcome , and no I didn’t use my dundy money to achieve my class 1 , from medical to class 1 cost me £2800 of my saved money because it was an ambition .

Any reason DVSA give you for stopping of was it just a case of wring place wrong time (or wrong employer)

Out of your list of things you’ve learnt No.4 is the most important one.

Any reason DVSA give you for stopping of was it just a case of wring place wrong time (or wrong employer)

Out of your list of things you’ve learnt No.4 is the most important one.

No just routine check they said , I was driving the vehicle Scanny gave us whilst we wait for a new one to arrive , so it was plain white ex Stobby with no livery just a red bumper , they thought I was an owner driver when they stopped me , no reflection on owner drivers btw Vosa’s words not mine cheers for taking the time to read this ramble mate

Sounds like you nailed it there Thomas, 1st week & no Major Dramas.
Hours & Days can be long, weather can be bad, not all people are nice (treat 'em as they treat you !) but 99% are ok.
You’re learning fast, but don’t run before you can walk properly, winter’s coming & you will need to take it nice & slow on the dodgy days, make sure that you’ve always got enough supplies for a few days (especially up there in the frozen north, lol)

Good read, glad to see other drivers doing good :smiley:

Did you find driving the Artic easier than driving a rigid?

Good read, glad to see other drivers doing good :smiley:

Did you find driving the Artic easier than driving a rigid?

Only done a little Rigid work gritting for my local council last winter on their 18t gritters , other than that no rigid work under my belt , straight to artic work , finding my feet and taken it slow and steady cheers Sinclair89 , be safe

Sounds like you nailed it there Thomas, 1st week & no Major Dramas.
Hours & Days can be long, weather can be bad, not all people are nice (treat 'em as they treat you !) but 99% are ok.
You’re learning fast, but don’t run before you can walk properly, winter’s coming & you will need to take it nice & slow on the dodgy days, make sure that you’ve always got enough supplies for a few days (especially up there in the frozen north, lol)

Thanks for the advice Martintheviking , will take it slow and steady cheers mate

Good read, glad to see other drivers doing good :smiley:

Did you find driving the Artic easier than driving a rigid?

Personally I think that driving a rigid is good training for Artics, they’re the same width & are a bloody pain to turn around, once you get the hang of it bending in the middle, it will be easy to get used to driving Artics & you’ve already got used to curtains & strapping down, so the extra length won’t be a problem.

So how do you drive a 3 pedal auto box?

So how do you drive a 3 pedal auto box?

You use clutch to turn the wagon into Drive/Neutral/Reverse. Then you just use the accelerator. If your stopping you then use the clutch as you would do with a car.

So how do you drive a 3 pedal auto box?

Use a clutch for pulling away and stopping. Once youre off the clutch it drives as a full auto.
The biggest problem is remembering you have a clutch after doing a long run and also it encourages you to keep the clutch down when waiting at lights etc. In a manual I’m normally straight into neutral and off the clutch.

That was a busy first week matey - well done :smiley: