(My First) One Day Diary

So,it’s Thursday morning (bet you wish you drove one of these)and today will be my only night out this week. Early start (for me anyway) 5.45am. Get the unit out of the warehouse and hitch up to the trailer which was loaded yesterday. (Original pic too dark so took this one afternoon).

Leave the yard about 6.15 and just about make it across the M62 to the M1/A1 before the bulk of the commuters .Head north heading for Stockton and up the A19.

On arrival at delivery it’s a bit of a squeeze reversing down the dead end but not a real problem. (Yes, that is Portrack).

Once outside the factory its off with the Moffett and back with the curtains. A stillage full of plastic and a few packs of ally.

Can’t get in yet as the vans are in the way even though they were ‘being moved driver’ as they saw me pull up.

15mins later and I’m down here as the vans still have n’t been moved

Then all of a sudden my load is a rush job, the 2 vans fly off and Biffa turn up with a big skip. So its get yer finger out time. In with their stuff,out with an empty stillage, on with the Moffett and curtains closed (didn’t have time for a pic).So its out on to Portrack Lane and left to head north on the 19.

Now,which way across to the A1. I think I’ll go this way and tell Tony Blair he’s an a#;] h= 8# !!!

So its across to the A1 and north.
God,I’m hungry.

Now thats done the trick. I need food. Normally I go to Dunston but its not on this week,but as I’m passing and know a decent butty shop I think I’ll just nip off for a butty.

Eat one now, save one for when I have my 45.So its back on the A1 and up to the 69 as I’m now going across to Carlisle.

Once on the A69 I reach Haydon Bridge were they are having the new by-pass built (I’ve always thought that when building by-passess they would make decent provision for truck parking as the designers have a blank sheet to work with and would be more cost effective). Dont think it’ll happen though.

So once through the village I decide to park up and eat the other butty.
Nice view.(Its amazing what you miss whilst driving)

I think MFI is hiding.

A bit of eye candy for…‘well ,you know who you are’.

Nice and full I set off again ,on at 44 and treat the truck to a drink.

Back on to the 74 and through passport control

Jesus H. can’t tell we’re in Scotland…

That was a bit of a surprise. Dropping down now in towards Glasgow and across to the A8 towards Airdrie/Chapelhall.

Off the A8 and down to Chapelhall.

Once there its parking in the middle of the road to get tipped.To the left you can see a car park but the cars are always on the road. The goods are lifted off and put on trolleys so the lads can wheel the stuff through the door. On with the emptys and a quick brew and we’re off again.

Have to negotiate the well thought out car parking.

Back down to the M8 and heading East towards the bridge as Cowdenbeath is next.
Blimey, there was a roundabout here last time and the A8000.

So across the bridge.

After recieving the wrong directions (from our van driver) I arrive at the delivery location 5 mins after they finish but I manage to blag the guy on the back door and get half a stillage of plastic off.

Its now 5.00 so I decide to have an hour before the last leg up to Perth for a morning delivery.
I arrive in Perth, take this pic and the camera battery went dead.

So I finish at 7.00 and manage to be up at 4.30 as I need to be tipped before all the customers transit vans turn up at 5.30-6.00.
I’m in and out in no time so head back south. Through the bottom end of Glasgow and down to Crawford for breakfast. Leave there and plod back down towards Lancs/Mancs. Get back to the yard about 12.00. Take the unit to be serviced and load for Monday, finishing at 3.30.

Hope I didnt waffle too much and next time I’ll take a spare battery.
Drive save…

Great pics…it was wierd for me seeing the old tramping lanes after so many years away…not yet homesick though :neutral_face:

nice diary there mate :wink:

A very nice read ,with great photos to match
thanks a lot

good diary mate :smiley:

what was that in the two lanes blocking the 74 :question:


Nice Diary :smiley: :smiley:

Just a question though , how long did you sit in the traffic at the bridge ■■? Took me 1.5 hrs to get home from work in Edinburgh to Dunfermline due to the removal of the tolls :imp:

Lovely job fella - thanks! :smiley:

what was that in the two lanes blocking the 74 :question:


I think it was a Portacabin as it was wider than a container but covered in plastic sheeting. It was just left there with the cones around it. Must have blown off a flatbed as it was very windy. For once the Highways weren,t there with their disco lights, and guess what ? No traffic jam !!!

Nice Diary :smiley: :smiley:

Just a question though , how long did you sit in the traffic at the bridge ■■? Took me 1.5 hrs to get home from work in Edinburgh to Dunfermline due to the removal of the tolls :imp:

It was about 3.50- 4.00pm and I was in the queue for only 5-10mins. (the tolls were still open)
When do the tolls finish ■■?

Nice diary :slight_smile:

the pictures of the the road down to Chapelhall brought back memories done a few deliveries up there when they were building the housing estate on the left

It says ERF not RAF:

Nice Diary :smiley: :smiley:

Just a question though , how long did you sit in the traffic at the bridge ■■? Took me 1.5 hrs to get home from work in Edinburgh to Dunfermline due to the removal of the tolls :imp:

It was about 3.50- 4.00pm and I was in the queue for only 5-10mins. (the tolls were still open)
When do the tolls finish ■■?

Ah so you got there before the masses :laughing:

They started removing them on Thursday evening and should be removed by tuesday 12th. :smiley:


It says ERF not RAF:

Nice Diary :smiley: :smiley:

Ah so you got there before the masses :laughing:

They started removing them on Thursday evening and should be removed by tuesday 12th. :smiley:

The outside 2 where coned off and the drilling and digging had just started. Wondered what they where doing.
Sounds like I timed it just right. Still cost me 2 quid though.

Good diary there mate :slight_smile:

good one! :smiley:

Was that an ERF?, It was wasnt it, Did it have (long shudder of horror) a twin splitter in it? :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Do you drive it for a bet?

I thought most of them were in the great scrapyard in the sky.

I like a good working diary. they make more interesting reading with a few pictures.

Well Done, keep them coming.

I have several pictures of my new truck in compromising positions, just need chance to sort them

It says ERF not RAF:
(bet you wish you drove one of these)…

I do! But minus the wind-kit, so count yourself lucky yours looks well sporty compared to mine :laughing:


It says ERF not RAF:
(bet you wish you drove one of these)…

I do! But minus the wind-kit, :laughing:

Everytime its windy it sounds like somebody is banging on the roof with a sledgehammer. (Great wind-kit design). The kits on the MAN truck look better and don’t rattle about in the wind.

Nice one - shame the livery on your truck is so…blue :smiley:


Nice one - shame the livery on your truck is so…blue :smiley:


Well, you never know who,s reading these posts !!!