My first interview as class 1 driver lol

Hi all, just new to the forum and thought i would let the newby drivers here about my first interview as a class 1 driver :wink:

I passed my class 1 4 weeks ago 1st time (yyyyyyyeeehhhhhaaaaaa what a feeling) although i am still working class 2 for an agency. (passed my class 2 second time a few weeks before)

So i heard of this job that was going and i thought to myself, there is an opertunity for you grab itā€¦

i made the phone call and explained that i had only passed my test 4 weeks and would they consider hiring me as an employeeā€¦

they said the would give me an interview and take me for a driving assesmentā€¦ i thought great :open_mouth: this is a chance to get my experience that i need.

Now come the interview all went well athough now i think about it, i was still very much in class 2 mode lol and not thinking about coupling and the susies at allā€¦ the night before i was getting my cv upto date, references, certificates etcā€¦ totaly orginised i thought.

now for the driving assesment said the transport managerā€¦ here we go i thought not touched an artic since i heard the words HAPPY TO SAY THAT YOUVE PASSED yyeehhhaaa lol. anyway out i go to this truck that was a lot larger than the one i sat my test in and thougt oh my god !!! keep your calm!!!


the cabin was already attached to the trailor and we started with the safety checks, checking oil and water and the walk roundā€¦ all seemed very easy then i heard the words could you please attach the susies lol i thought yer no probsā€¦ jumped up and totaly lost it lol i thought k where does this goā€¦ lol he then informed me of where they goā€¦ just one of those black out momentsā€¦ then for the drive which went very VERY wellā€¦ so relaxed and enjoyed the full driveā€¦ he said that he has no problems at all with the driving and all in all i did very wellā€¦ he would write his report and i will be contactedā€¦ but he cant see any problemsā€¦

fingers crossed i can make my breakā€¦ just thought i would post my first experience and remember all us new guys to refresh you memory before going on your first interview and hope this post will help to make you guys not make the mistake that i madeā€¦ lol GET OUT OF CLASS 2 MODE lol

I would also love to here other problems from interviews with you guysā€¦ think we could have a good laugh with this one :smiling_imp:

Best of luck mate!! :smiley: :smiley:

thanks PTC8

Just sitting stairing at my phone now :open_mouth: cant wait till i get let loose with the big boy for real lol bring it on :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds like your first assessment went pretty well. You told the guy youā€™d only just passed though so with any lucky theyā€™re not expecting you to know everything so I donā€™t think theyā€™d mind you asking about the suzies etc aslong as you arenā€™t completely incompetant.

My first job interview/assessment went far from swimmingly. Iā€™d passed my Class 2 test about 4months prior but never used it, class 1 iā€™d passed 3 days before the interview! Anyway, the spoken part of the interview went fine, never had an issue with those parts.

Got to the unit and it was solo, so he got me to safety check it, upon checking the oil, I pulled the dipstick out with a little too much enthusiasm and the end whipped across the sandy/crappy ground :unamused: quick wipe and a mumble later and that was done. then hitch to a trailer. This was where I hit my first problem, in that iā€™d never been tought how to adjust the suspension, as this trailer was way too high. Anyway the guy told me what to do and that was sorted.

Then came the reverse, down a slop into a washing bay, the ground was very bumpy and was a truck parked where i wanted the cab to be to reverse. Completely cocked it up and couldnā€™t get the thing in the ā€œbayā€, so he said sod it and we went for a drive instead.

The drive itself went fine, but I was having difficult finding the right gear on the 3 over 3 box with splitter, as Iā€™d trained only in 4 over 4s and not used the splitter at all. Got better as I went on, but far from impressive. Arrived back at depot and reverse it alongside another truck in the lineup ok thankfull, kinda redeeming my earlier ā€˜effortā€™. To my amazement he offered me the job based on a weeks trial with another driver :open_mouth: must definately be a driver shortageā€¦! I said iā€™d have to wait 2 days before giving him an answer as I had another interview arranged 2days later.

I went for the other interview and luckily the truck was also a Scania topline so i knew what to expect, and the assessment couldnā€™t really have gone better, job was better and in the end went for that one and had to turn the first one down :laughing: Iā€™d say just go for every assessment you can get just to get the practice. Itā€™s about 6 weeks down the line now and iā€™m glad I made the choice I did, as I got excellent training with the company and the job is pretty good so far, very happy.

N1 kiowan lol, i feel as though everything went well, although not got any phone call back yet. so back to the drawing board!!!

brill you got the second job and thats you started well doneā€¦ i got in touch with the agency and tryed to push for some class 1 work but i know with reading some articals that this is going to dry up after christmas so its a bit of a race against time nowā€¦ WHERE DID YOU SAY THAT FIRST JOB INTERVIEW WAS!!! lol

:smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :blush: lol

although may have another good opertunity coming my way very soonā€¦ fingers crossed