My first day in an artic' with pic's

Well, as promised I did my best to get some pictures - I didn’t get many as I’ve had quite a day;

I arrived at 05:45 for a 6am start because they wanted to “brief” me, I never did find out what that was all about - it never happened! Got paperwork and directions to the first place I was going as “there’s only one way in because of bridges and weight limits” off I trot to find my unit and after losing a couple of pounds I find it already coupled to my trailer :sunglasses: unusual for me to have some good luck that early in the morning :laughing: Quick check to make sure all’s well and put my number plate on and I’m off :confused: until I realise I’ve no idea how tall the vehicle is and have to pull over 10mins down the A52 to read the front of the trailer - and take today’s first photo;

Back on the road again at 14’3" iirc but not far to go to TDG west hallam to collect a full load of erm, some sort of food.

Slight shock to the system; It’s a blindside onto bay 5 but luckily another driver watches me back and I make it in two or three shunts :sunglasses: (one picture is of the merc that was there before me, no idea why they didn’t let me use the empty bay)

Paperwork all sorted and it’s off to brakes’ depot at Coventry, no pictures this time but lets just say 40shunts is possibly an understatement, what a nightmare! I got the trailer where it needed to be eventually but the unit was at quite an angle to it, luckily I had the “yard” to myself and they tipped it as it was (I think they felt sorry for me).

Next I went back to TDG, no-one said why, just that that was what I had to do. Things really started going wrong now though; Some plank decided to overtake as I changed lanes even though I’d been indicating for a decent while and I very nearly claimed my first casualty - who then proceeded to give me alsorts of abuse, and got plenty back :grimacing: got back to TDG and went to try to find out what I was there for - only to find the full load of pallets that Coventry didn’t load were what I was supposed to be delivering :unamused: Luckily no-one was all that bothered and I’m told to head back.

Back at grantham, fuelled up and it’s time to make reversing look hard work again :laughing: Eventually on the bay, paperwork sorted and I’m off home, I can’t’ve been that bad as I’m back most of next week :unamused:

Pleased for you that you had a good day, things looking up for you- great news that your back next week as well, first foot on the ladder eh… just keep climbing now youll go from strength to strength :wink: well done :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

What an excellent 1t day on the job diary Darkseeker

So pleased that you have that all important first day out of the way. Its all up hill from now on mate, learn from the mistake and keep improving.

Dont worry to much about the reverse, there are going to be days when you blindside it straight in, in one go. Other times you will be thinking of throwing the towel in when your asked to back it on to a bay in the biggest yard you have ever seen and on your good side as well. Errr…my mate of a mate of a mate twice removed :wink: :wink: :wink: suffers from this every so often.

I can’t’ve been that bad as I’m back most of next week

That is a major thing to take from it…you obviously impressed enough to be asked back and that is a credit to you. :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

When it got to dinner time and there was no phone call I thought it’s one of two things; either he’s slashed his wrists or he’s doing fine. Looks like the boy done good. Well done. Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Way to go Darkseeker nice diary and they asked you back

Onwards and upwards :wink:

Jennie x

Peter Smythe:
When it got to dinner time and there was no phone call I thought it’s one of two things; either he’s slashed his wrists or he’s doing fine. Looks like the boy done good. Well done. Pete :laughing: :laughing:

:open_mouth: how’s that for a vote of confidence :open_mouth: in one of YOUR trainees :laughing:

Was a bloody hard day in all honesty and I dont really feel like I’ve learned anything much, I’m just hoping I’ll start getting the hang of reversing pretty quick - I could do without too many more wrinkles! :laughing:

Thanks everyone, good to see it was worth doing the diary :smiley:

Well done mate, after the disappointments of the tests it’s good that you’ve now got the first day out of the way and more work to come is a good bonus :wink:

… I dont really feel like I’ve learned anything much, …

Hi darkseeker,

That was a good day’s work mate, and a fine diary. :smiley:

As other posters have said, the firm wants you back and that’s the finest compliment you’ll ever see.

I’ve selected the part that I’ve quoted, because I’m sensing that possibly you’re over-eagerly expecting too much too soon.
If I were in your position, I’d be very pleased that I’d got my first run under my belt and that it went without incident. :wink:
Trust me mate, not everybody’s first run works out quite as nicely as yours did. :stuck_out_tongue:

:bulb: Opportunities for further learning will come of their own accord and all in good time, maybe when you’re least expecting them!! :grimacing:

Thanks DD, I know there’s no way I can make the reversing improve quicker and that it’ll just have to keep trying and it’ll come in time.

The comment about not learning anything though, I didn’t notice anything I could take away from it - no little tricks that seemed to help or anything. That’s not to say the experience hasn’t helped, and I’m bound to learn things as I muddle my way through :laughing: I just hope it doesn’t take too long!

Next up’s “my first night in an artic’” which is sunday night, any advice much appreciated.

Nice one darkseeker :smiley:
Can’t really offer any advice for the night run,as I only managed 1 night many moons ago,it wasn’t for me,I like sleeping at night. :wink:

James Bateman:
I like sleeping at night. :wink:

You’re not alone there mate, at least there’ll be less people about to see me making a hash of reversing :laughing:

Nice one.
I wouldn’t worry too much about your reversing,I still make a " hash " of it after 20 odd years ! :laughing:
Good days,bad days.

Well Done…A good first day.

With the reversing bit you won’t notice you are getting any better but you will be. I used to tell the GI blokes (and other drivers) at whatever place I was delivering to that I had just passed my test that week so if they wanted a laugh they should watch (i used to say exactly that for the first couple of months :smiley: ). In most cases they would go out of their way to help you. After a couple of months I realised I was putting it on bays quite easily and had improved a hell of a lot…I just didnt notice at the time.

As to what you learned…you learned to check the trailer height before you leave :smiley: , but make sure you do it every time as even though the next trailer may look the same height, sometimes it aint :blush:. You learned how to blindside onto a loading bay, you learned to check if you had a backload, you learned to treat other road users as suicidal muppets…and hopefully had fun along the way

:smiley: thanks for the encouraging words everyone!

Now booked doing class 1 night trunks for as many hours as I’m allowed to work for the next fortnight! :open_mouth: maybe I did the right thing getting the class 1 after all!