My Diary of events at VdB

You love the post who compliment you but not the ones with any criticisms even when constructive. Sound like a typical molycoddle RAF lad maybe you should of stayed there where they could stop anyone saying nasty wasty things at/about you :smiley:

Yes of course, whatever you say.
All further posts from you will be ignored and will not be seen by me, bye.

OK, I’ll say it if it finally puts this thread to rest.

It’s not fair Steve, they should have given you the job. :wink:



Dino, you stated a couple of replies ago that you were aiming a bit higher than you should have, I disagree with you on that one mate. What is wrong with going for your ideal job? Nobody is born with lhd tanker experience. No doubt you would have been [zb] upon if you said you wouldn’t apply because you lacked experience :unamused:. If, as you say, you have the e-mails to back up what you are claiming, then fair play to you, the other person will know full well that he’s dropped you in the [zb], not least on here. Best of luck in whatever you decide to do, but ffs, don’t give up on driving if that is truly what you want to do, haulage is full of [zb] who are ever so keen to kick you when you’re down. On the plus side, there are a lot of decent guys who will help you, if you need and want it.Take the relevent useful criticism, use it to your advantage and disregard the rest.

Many thanks for taking the time to post a constructive reply. It’s really appreciated.

You love the post who compliment you but not the ones with any criticisms even when constructive. Sound like a typical molycoddle RAF lad maybe you should of stayed there where they could stop anyone saying nasty wasty things at/about you :smiley:

Where’s the compliment :question: :unamused:

Harry Monk:
OK, I’ll say it if it finally puts this thread to rest.

It’s not fair Steve, they should have given you the job. :wink:

Should they, are you sure? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
GNight :wink:

Jeeez, thought this one would have finished by now!! :laughing: :laughing:

Harry Monk:

What I don’t appreciate or want is some tards saying I’m ‘■■■■■■■■’, ‘banging on’ and all the other bollox they are coming out with. If they had any Balls or a spine they would have tried it themselves.

You did well to give it a go. Everybody has said that. Everybody, including myself, has offered you advice based on what we have learned from previous failures.

First and foremost, my personal advice would be that you should learn from past mistakes but you should not dwell on them.

Good luck next time.

Harry, how many more times are you going to say “good luck in the future… good luck next time” etc? :laughing: You must have said it about 20 times now between the 2 threads. :laughing: :laughing:


You love the post who compliment you but not the ones with any criticisms even when constructive. Sound like a typical molycoddle RAF lad maybe you should of stayed there where they could stop anyone saying nasty wasty things at/about you :smiley:

Yes of course, whatever you say.
All further posts from you will be ignored and will not be seen by me, bye.

Typical childish immature response. There’s no way this guy is 45. Got to be some kid on a wind-up. I don’t believe this is a serious thread at all, it’s just beyond ridiculous.

ETA - in fact, can a mod lock this thread and the other one? Neither are serving any purpose now and have run their course.

Another forum I use has a recycle bin where “problem” threads can be placed for 1 week before they are locked or removed. Just a suggestion :bulb:

wheel nut, in one of your other posts you implied that I’d contacted you regarding VdB by PM. I have never PMd you, HAVE I??

You accuse me of not reading your posts then ask this question.

No I have never had a PM from you. You have asked me questions in open forum which I answered quite correctly.

What I think you read was on the lines of; “I have had around 30 PM’s about this job.”

Steve suggested I don’t know what I am talking about although I can probably call Paul & Frans friends. I was contacted by PM over 30 times to ask for advice about the job, the wages , the conditions and the vehicles. I was reluctant in answering these question in case my name was used. Wheel Nut said this, Wheel Nut said that.

Just to be fair I have quoted my actual statement… I could name names; but those who contacted me know who they are!

The End

Wheel Nut:
You have asked me questions in open forum which I answered quite correctly.

Yes and I thanked you at the time for your replies, I appreciated them. :sunglasses:

jeeze… this guy goes on a bit who wants to drivers tankers any way the job is getting as bad as any other driving job, tanker work petrol chemicals etc all the same push push push more more more and for less money than i was earning 10 year ago the rates on tankers will fall as more people are willing to do the work cheaper and more big companies sub out the work the guys on the big orange supermarket tankers i believe? dont quote are on 9 pound an hour so try something new today mate stick to being a chief i would driving just aint worth it.


Harry Monk:
OK, I’ll say it if it finally puts this thread to rest.

It’s not fair Steve, they should have given you the job. :wink:

Should they, are you sure? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
GNight :wink:

Jeeez, thought this one would have finished by now!! :laughing: :laughing:

You and me both! However, he has a role to play…the victim and everyone has to hear it. There has been constructive criticism in previous posts and by the looks of the replies he has choosen not to take this and dust himself down and crack on.
There was a similar person on the newbies section a little while ago who went for a job at Wisemans, he didnt get it and was trying to get everyone on here to boycott their milk to make them go ‘bankrupt’. Prehaps a family relation? :laughing:

But they look at a certain standard what must be there

Simple matter of fact is that a truck that isnt working isnt earning for that company. newmercman is bang on in that quote. There has to be that basic skill level out there. The trainers will be able to tell if you can adapt to their methods and the driving level required within the time. Its the same as instructors at training schools over here, they can provide an estimate of how long it will take to get upto test standard.
Personally, from a bloke who states numerous times that…

…this was my job, I wanted it and everything was geared up to it.

I think there is better ways to have handled the situation rather than what appears to be shouting off on a public forum and potentially burning bridges. Why not get in their first and say you thought you would have been able to adapt quicker however you havent cos of the lack of hours, so you think it would be of benefit to both the company and yourself to return home and try to find employment over here and reapply at a later date when you have that all important experience. Personally something like that shows that you are a team/company player and you dont burn the bridges leading to that job that you wanted. If they dont go for it at least you have ended it on good terms.
For me, farm collections is my ideal gig :blush: :blush: :blush: and ive applied for them some 2 months after getting my C+E only to be told im over qualified to be a driver because of the fact Ive been to university, however they could you me as a TM. I went along for the interview and told them I would be happy to do that however, I would want to start from driver and then move into the office over time. This would allow me to see how the company worked and what the drivers were being asked to do/couldnt do. Thankfully we had a good discussion and they went for it.

I was going to stay with them at least a year…

If you were only going to stay there for a minimum of year you were still gonna end up not working for them so whats the complaint about, you just bring everything forward and crack on with something else.

Right im now off to poke my eyes out with a rusty nail as it seems more fun! :grimacing:

And all breathe deeply !! Its locked, its going nowhere now.