My Diary of events at VdB

I’ve replied to the original post Mr Nut, I don’t for one minute doubt the integrity of a company like VdB & our dinostevus is a little bitter, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt, perhaps wrongly, but having been in a situation with a recruiter from another country, whereby I was told a pack of lies, maybe my judgement was somewhat clouded, I was going to post in my usual style originally, something along the lines of ‘shut up bleating, what do you expect? you have no experience, the world doesn’t owe you a living blah blah blah’ but decided to be a bit compassionate & understanding instead, obviously I should stick to what I do best :wink:

Wheel Nut:

Ok, I should’ve written that you seem like a shyster, as Steve says that the Dutch instructors said they had no idea of his inexperience, of which you were forewarned, It’s turning into a ‘he said this’ ‘I said that’ between the two of you, I commented on Steve’s post, I don’t know it to be the truth, but from what he has written, that was the conclusion I drew, reading yours I draw a different conclusion, only the two of you know what really happened

In best Dragons Den parlance, “Let you tell you where I am” :wink:

I normally am in quite close agreement with newmercman on many things on these forums. However I was quite shocked by the fact that he was calling someone who has already set over 80 inexperienced drivers on without much experience. You called Frans a shyster, I am trying very hard to not call Steve names of any kind except maybe very naive.

On the “other” VDB thread Big Sidney wrote about his experiences and what he said totally threw Steves diary into doubt. I do know Frans quite well, I know of his vast experience and I also know he is respected in Erp. You may have seen the pictures of the Bord computers in the trucks, well I have had a private insight as to how they work, and that everyone in the group can see who is where, what is being said as they can read the messages to the trucks so for someone to say they have never heard of a bloke who to my knowledge has worked there for 18 - 20 years seems a bit walter mitty.

I believe this thread should be put out of its misery now, but if you need any clarification of Steves naivety, you can click on his other posts in his profile. Do I have to sleep in the truck when I am in Erp? Do I have to unload the tank? Does Europe have enforcement agencies like VOSA? What is the best type of Fridge for a driving assessment?

I am interested in his forthcoming job as he seems to have got up and dusted himself down and lives to fight another day. So I am wishing him good luck, and we don’t all know it all, we just learned a bit over a long time in the job. Me I am still learning and hope to continue doing so…

Soz, but I don’t have time to reply to all the ‘unanswered’ posts but I’ve got some more important personal stuff going on at the moment.

Your loyalty is commendable wheel nut, but trolling through my posts just to find fault is out of order. If it ‘floats your boat’ and makes me look bad then OK, do what you must to get your ‘jollies’. Your ‘quotes’ are out of context but then you know that, if I new I’d be the subject of trolls I’d have used another ID or asked questions on TruckersWorld.
As it is, because of constant character assassination but Members who don’t believe me or have read the OP properly I no longer feel welcome here.
The 3 instructors I spoke to didn’t know who Frans was, even after I showed one his business card he said, ‘he’s UK Manager not Erp’. Why would I lie about this? I never said everybody at Erp. I just said the 3 instructors that I spoke to. If Brad could be arsed he’d confirm this cos he WAS there at the time.
I have emails also confirming that I’d get a bit extra training cos I was a inexperienced noobie. I took these with me but… read OP.

If you’d read my posts you’d also see quite a few saying how good VdB are to work for … you know what, forget it. I have the emails and I was there at the time.
End of…

I’ve replied to the original post Mr Nut, I don’t for one minute doubt the integrity of a company like VdB & our dinostevus is a little bitter, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt, perhaps wrongly, but having been in a situation with a recruiter from another country, whereby I was told a pack of lies, maybe my judgement was somewhat clouded, I was going to post in my usual style originally, something along the lines of ‘shut up bleating, what do you expect? you have no experience, the world doesn’t owe you a living blah blah blah’ but decided to be a bit compassionate & understanding instead, obviously I should stick to what I do best :wink:

I’m not really bitter, see I even removed my sig!!!
Nah, to be honest, of course I was aiming a bit higher than I should have, but after speaking to Frans I thought why not. We all have to start somewhere, the rest is in the OP.
What I do fail to understand is why people are finding it hard to believe me, I have the emails. OK, I’m not some big company like VdB, I’m just meeeeeee, but I have no reason to lie. What’s the point■■? Liars always get found out.
I wasn’t slagging the Company off or Frans so why slag me off? To be honest I’m not that bothered, whilst I’m getting trolled and misquoted, someone who may give a toss is being left alone.
This has gone on long enough, I’m outta here.


I was going to post in my usual style originally, something along the lines of ‘shut up bleating, what do you expect? you have no experience, the world doesn’t owe you a living blah blah blah’ but decided to be a bit compassionate & understanding instead, obviously I should stick to what I do best :wink:

I’m not really bitter, see I even removed my sig!!!
Nah, to be honest, of course I was aiming a bit higher than I should have, but after speaking to Frans I thought why not. We all have to start somewhere, the rest is in the OP.
What I do fail to understand is why people are finding it hard to believe me, I have the emails. OK, I’m not some big company like VdB, I’m just meeeeeee, but I have no reason to lie. What’s the point■■? Liars always get found out.
I wasn’t slagging the Company off or Frans so why slag me off? To be honest I’m not that bothered, whilst I’m getting trolled and misquoted, someone who may give a toss is being left alone.
This has gone on long enough, I’m outta here.

See what I mean? I try to be nice & … :laughing:

PS disagreeing with somebody does not make someone a troll :unamused:



I was going to post in my usual style originally, something along the lines of ‘shut up bleating, what do you expect? you have no experience, the world doesn’t owe you a living blah blah blah’ but decided to be a bit compassionate & understanding instead, obviously I should stick to what I do best :wink:

I’m not really bitter, see I even removed my sig!!!
Nah, to be honest, of course I was aiming a bit higher than I should have, but after speaking to Frans I thought why not. We all have to start somewhere, the rest is in the OP.
What I do fail to understand is why people are finding it hard to believe me, I have the emails. OK, I’m not some big company like VdB, I’m just meeeeeee, but I have no reason to lie. What’s the point■■? Liars always get found out.
I wasn’t slagging the Company off or Frans so why slag me off? To be honest I’m not that bothered, whilst I’m getting trolled and misquoted, someone who may give a toss is being left alone.
This has gone on long enough, I’m outta here.

See what I mean? I try to be nice & … :laughing:

PS disagreeing with somebody does not make someone a troll :unamused:

Sorry, in my haste I didn’t leave left a gap. I wasn’t calling you a troll.

wheel nut, in one of your other posts you implied that I’d contacted you regarding VdB by PM. I have never PMd you, HAVE I??

I think dino needs to grow up a bit, you have made yourself look a bit of a tool on here :smiley:
And I am not trolling or having a go, but not just you there is a lot of childish spat and retaliation. Prob best to ask mods to delete or close this now all that will happen is more slanging matches and its not what is needed on here remember :stuck_out_tongue:

Jesus is he still banging on about this!!!

Gordon bennet face it man you were crap, so they binned you, it has happend to us all in one form or another!!

You seem well suited to being a slop jock in the RAF…

(ex 9 sqn re)

Jesus is he still banging on about this!!!

Gordon bennet face it man you were crap, so they binned you, it has happend to us all in one form or another!!

You seem well suited to being a slop jock in the RAF…

(ex 9 sqn re)

:smiley: :smiley:

Jesus is he still banging on about this!!!

Gordon bennet face it man you were crap, so they binned you, it has happend to us all in one form or another!!

You seem well suited to being a slop jock in the RAF…

(ex 9 sqn re)

:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :laughing: :laughing:

Maybe if everyone stopped posting on it we wouldnt have to listen to his bloody titting any more, this is worse than my 2 year old son moaning because he cant have a bloody biscuit.

Good luck with the new job hope it is perfect for you as your ■■■■■■■■ is getting rather tiring.

I’m standing up for myself, if members don’t like what I’m posting don’t read my posts. Stop having a go at me then I won’t need to keep defending myself.

I’m standing up for myself, if members don’t like what I’m posting don’t read my posts. Stop having a go at me then I won’t need to keep defending myself.

Nobody is “having a go at you”.

Everybody is trying to give you good advice. We have all been there ourselves. That’s what TruckNet is for.

The problem is that you just aren’t listening. However, as I have said before, good luck for the future.

Harry Monk:

I’m standing up for myself, if members don’t like what I’m posting don’t read my posts. Stop having a go at me then I won’t need to keep defending myself.

Nobody is “having a go at you”.

Everybody is trying to give you good advice. We have all been there ourselves. That’s what TruckNet is for.

The problem is that you just aren’t listening. However, as I have said before, good luck for the future.

Listening to what? What good Advice FFS? There ain’t been a constructive post for quite a while.
Look Harry, I understand what you are saying and you posted some good stuff on here and I appreciate it, Thanks.
What I don’t appreciate or want is some tards saying I’m ‘■■■■■■■■’, ‘banging on’ and all the other bollox they are coming out with. If they had any Balls or a spine they would have tried it themselves.
If Members don’t like my posts, don’t read them, it ain’t rocket science ffs. Doh. Grow up.

FFS in transport every one gets knock backs, this game is full of bull ■■■■ and broken promises.

The man with balls and spines does not spend god knows how long going on about it

“End of.” “I’m out of here”,what the next post be Steve? And while you might have balls of steel unfortunately they’re full of sour grapes.
Time to move on.

Dino, you stated a couple of replies ago that you were aiming a bit higher than you should have, I disagree with you on that one mate. What is wrong with going for your ideal job? Nobody is born with lhd tanker experience. No doubt you would have been ■■■■ upon if you said you wouldn’t apply because you lacked experience :unamused:. If, as you say, you have the e-mails to back up what you are claiming, then fair play to you, the other person will know full well that he’s dropped you in the ■■■■, not least on here. Best of luck in whatever you decide to do, but ffs, don’t give up on driving if that is truly what you want to do, haulage is full of ■■■■■ who are ever so keen to kick you when you’re down. On the plus side, there are a lot of decent guys who will help you, if you need and want it.Take the relevent useful criticism, use it to your advantage and disregard the rest.

What I don’t appreciate or want is some tards saying I’m ‘■■■■■■■■’, ‘banging on’ and all the other bollox they are coming out with. If they had any Balls or a spine they would have tried it themselves.

You did well to give it a go. Everybody has said that. Everybody, including myself, has offered you advice based on what we have learned from previous failures.

First and foremost, my personal advice would be that you should learn from past mistakes but you should not dwell on them.

Good luck next time.

Dino, you stated a couple of replies ago that you were aiming a bit higher than you should have, I disagree with you on that one mate. What is wrong with going for your ideal job? Nobody is born with lhd tanker experience. No doubt you would have been [zb] upon if you said you wouldn’t apply because you lacked experience :unamused:. If, as you say, you have the e-mails to back up what you are claiming, then fair play to you, the other person will know full well that he’s dropped you in the [zb], not least on here. Best of luck in whatever you decide to do, but ffs, don’t give up on driving if that is truly what you want to do, haulage is full of [zb] who are ever so keen to kick you when you’re down. On the plus side, there are a lot of decent guys who will help you, if you need and want it.Take the relevent useful criticism, use it to your advantage and disregard the rest.

Many thanks for taking the time to post a constructive reply. It’s really appreciated.

Harry Monk:

What I don’t appreciate or want is some tards saying I’m ‘■■■■■■■■’, ‘banging on’ and all the other bollox they are coming out with. If they had any Balls or a spine they would have tried it themselves.

You did well to give it a go. Everybody has said that. Everybody, including myself, has offered you advice based on what we have learned from previous failures.

First and foremost, my personal advice would be that you should learn from past mistakes but you should not dwell on them.

Good luck next time.

Thanks, it’s appreciated.


Dino, you stated a couple of replies ago that you were aiming a bit higher than you should have, I disagree with you on that one mate. What is wrong with going for your ideal job? Nobody is born with lhd tanker experience. No doubt you would have been [zb] upon if you said you wouldn’t apply because you lacked experience :unamused:. If, as you say, you have the e-mails to back up what you are claiming, then fair play to you, the other person will know full well that he’s dropped you in the [zb], not least on here. Best of luck in whatever you decide to do, but ffs, don’t give up on driving if that is truly what you want to do, haulage is full of [zb] who are ever so keen to kick you when you’re down. On the plus side, there are a lot of decent guys who will help you, if you need and want it.Take the relevent useful criticism, use it to your advantage and disregard the rest.

Many thanks for taking the time to post a constructive reply. It’s really appreciated.

You love the post who compliment you but not the ones with any criticisms even when constructive. Sound like a typical molycoddle RAF lad maybe you should of stayed there where they could stop anyone saying nasty wasty things at/about you :smiley: