My Diary of events at VdB

What ya on about :confused: :confused: This is a diary not a whinge. Didn’t you read it? :unamused:

So erm, whats your signature about then :unamused:


What ya on about :confused: :confused: This is a diary not a whinge. Didn’t you read it? :unamused:

So erm, whats your signature about then :unamused:

It’s a statement, fact, truth. I know this to be true cos I was there, OK? :stuck_out_tongue:
My sig, end of. :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

Hay, if you don’t like what his put up move on.
His not here to please everyone’s taste.
Public board right?
Sometimes the wet brown stuff hits the fan and it ain’t all plain sailing and I like to read about the lows as well as the highs.



What ya on about :confused: :confused: This is a diary not a whinge. Didn’t you read it? :unamused:

So erm, whats your signature about then :unamused:

It’s a statement, fact, truth. I know this to be true cos I was there, OK? :stuck_out_tongue:
My sig, end of. :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

Well I think you may have well and truly blown any second chances that VDB may have considered in the future :wink:

Well I think you may have well and truly blown any second chances that VDB may have considered in the future :wink:

Phew, that’s a bloody relief. :unamused: I have no intentions of doing anything so stupid again. I have learnt my lesson. :blush: Thanks for confirming it, your opinion means a lot to me . :smiley: :smiley:

Nicely written - you took us along with you every step of the way, building the excitement :smiley: (I don’t get out much), and a disappointing ending for you :frowning:

It didn’t come across to me as a winge, just a sad tale. You seem to have a good attitude, and have taken it well. I’m sure whoever you do get a start with will see you grow into a good driver. You just need to find a company that has the time/resources/inclination etc to take on a newbie. As someone has said, it’s all experience. No-one’s fault as I see it - just a shame that it wasn’t to be, this time.

Best of luck to you.

PM on way hope its some help. Roy

Steve i think you have been totally honest in your posts,you have tried and failed not entirely through your own fault,i believe you will come out better for this experience and judging by some of the more generous replies above you may even end up with a job closer to home.Having done many years of euro driving yes there are many good times but there are plenty of times when its a case of wtf am i doing with my life…

hi steve
look at things this way i belive looking through your postings that you are a qualified chef if you was the head chef at the ivy would you take on
a person whos only experience was flipping burgers at mcdonalds for 2weeks before entering your kitchen would you even give them the chance?
vdb was kind enough to give you a go to prove your self

i think your behaviour on this vdb thread is worrying almost like a stalker do you not think you are putting of potential employers

let it go mate and lets see how the rest go on there but it is a fair point about the chef :wink:


Nicely written - you took us along with you every step of the way, building the excitement :smiley: (I don’t get out much), and a disappointing ending for you :frowning:

It didn’t come across to me as a winge, just a sad tale. You seem to have a good attitude, and have taken it well. I’m sure whoever you do get a start with will see you grow into a good driver. You just need to find a company that has the time/resources/inclination etc to take on a newbie. As someone has said, it’s all experience. No-one’s fault as I see it - just a shame that it wasn’t to be, this time.

Best of luck to you.

Many thanks. We learn something new every day. :smiley:

PM on way hope its some help. Roy

Thanks :smiley:

Steve i think you have been totally honest in your posts,you have tried and failed not entirely through your own fault,i believe you will come out better for this experience and judging by some of the more generous replies above you may even end up with a job closer to home.Having done many years of euro driving yes there are many good times but there are plenty of times when its a case of wtf am i doing with my life…

Thanks, some soul searching first :frowning:

fred kelly:
hi steve
look at things this way i belive looking through your postings that you are a qualified chef if you was the head chef at the ivy would you take on
a person whos only experience was flipping burgers at mcdonalds for 2weeks before entering your kitchen would you even give them the chance?
vdb was kind enough to give you a go to prove your self

i think your behaviour on this vdb thread is worrying almost like a stalker do you not think you are putting of potential employers

Hi Fred,
Yes of course, if they showed an aptitude to learn and was willing to learn, I’d be stupid not to. This Chef would have no ‘bad habits’ to get rid of. If I’d told him before hand that I’d spend extra time training him, then that’s what I’d do. My 12 Year contract was coming to an end in the RAF and my last ‘job’ was teaching ‘newbies’, I understand that it’s not easy and takes time, also you have to have a lot of patience and understanding.
‘Putting of potential employers’ :confused: Errrr no, obviously you do so don’t offer me a job :stuck_out_tongue:
Do you know what a ‘Stalker’ is? Don’t make light of it, stalking is not a term that should be used lightly or in jest. :angry: :angry: :angry:
Nuff said on the matter :unamused:

let it go mate and lets see how the rest go on there but it is a fair point about the chef :wink:

Have done, life goes on :smiley:

Rob K:
please ignore me, I’m just a troll :blush:

Yes of course Rob or is it Phill :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks for your honesty. :smiley:

‘Putting of potential employers’ Errrr no, obviously you do so don’t offer me a job
Do you know what a ‘Stalker’ is? Don’t make light of it, stalking is not a term that should be used lightly or in jest.
Nuff said on the matter

yes i know what a stalker is working in the security industry its a problem i come across quiet often looking after high profile indviduals
and again reading this thread you come across to me as a person who is very high maintenance and not some one that has spent 12 years in the armed forces

I think maybe we’ve hit the nail on the head with the 12 years in the Forces thing.

In the Forces, training is given to people moving into a new area/posting/job and their skills are slowly increased throughout their career. When someone says they’ll give you extra training, they mean just that.

In the private sector, however, time is money, and extra training very rarely means more than an extra chance to get it right. To be honest, in this game you’re lucky to get that, especially at the moment when it’s an employer’s market.

Reading back over your diary, I think the problem here is about expectations, rather than what actually happened. You need to adjust your expectations downwards by a loooonnnggg way. The hard fact of civvy street is that you basically have to learn most things the hard way, and if you don’t cut it and they give you an extra chance, count yourself lucky.

Perhaps the biggest lesson you can take from this is about the nature of the industry you’re trying to join. It’s a hard and ruthless one, and drivers don’t get treated with a great deal of respect. It shouldn’t be that way, but it is, and you need to get your head 'round that in order to get a proper foot in the door. Take heart, though, from the fact it can be done, else none of us would be here commenting on this. The dismal early days simply toughen you up in a whole new way for what lies ahead in the longer term. Take this incident as a step in that direction, and move on. :wink:

Should think yourself lucky, you got given a chance to go out there.

Hundreds of drivers did not even make it too the door (me included) and would love to have that chance.

You must of done something right to get through the door, so im sure there will be something just round the corner for you.

Good luck.

fred kelly:
yes i know what a stalker is working in the security industry its a problem i come across quiet often looking after high profile indviduals
and again reading this thread you come across to me as a person who is very high maintenance and not some one that has spent 12 years in the armed forces

This doesn’t make sense, :confused: if you know what a ‘Stalker’ how the f can you call me one? :confused: Whatever, you are obviously entitled to your opinion and that’s all it is, your opinion. :unamused: Thanks. :slight_smile:

I think maybe we’ve hit the nail on the head with the 12 years in the Forces thing.

In the Forces, training is given to people moving into a new area/posting/job and their skills are slowly increased throughout their career. When someone says they’ll give you extra training, they mean just that.

In the private sector, however, time is money, and extra training very rarely means more than an extra chance to get it right. To be honest, in this game you’re lucky to get that, especially at the moment when it’s an employer’s market.

Reading back over your diary, I think the problem here is about expectations, rather than what actually happened. You need to adjust your expectations downwards by a loooonnnggg way. The hard fact of civvy street is that you basically have to learn most things the hard way, and if you don’t cut it and they give you an extra chance, count yourself lucky.

Perhaps the biggest lesson you can take from this is about the nature of the industry you’re trying to join. It’s a hard and ruthless one, and drivers don’t get treated with a great deal of respect. It shouldn’t be that way, but it is, and you need to get your head 'round that in order to get a proper foot in the door. Take heart, though, from the fact it can be done, else none of us would be here commenting on this. The dismal early days simply toughen you up in a whole new way for what lies ahead in the longer term. Take this incident as a step in that direction, and move on. :wink:

I left the Armed Forces OVER 14 years ago. :unamused: :wink:

Should think yourself lucky, you got given a chance to go out there.

Hundreds of drivers did not even make it too the door (me included) and would love to have that chance.

You must of done something right to get through the door, so im sure there will be something just round the corner for you.

Good luck.

I’m really sorry they didn’t give you a chance. :frowning: :frowning: Any idea why?

:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Some Members are still reading this as a whinge or a dig at VdB. It ISN’T, it’s a Diary of events leading up to my trial with VdB. Nothing more, just a Diary, Don’t read anything else into it.
As for my Sig, that isn’t a dig, it’s just a fact. No harm meant by it, but forewarned is forarmed.

Some Members are still reading this as a whinge or a dig at VdB. It ISN’T, it’s a Diary of events leading up to my trial with VdB. Nothing more, just a Diary, Don’t read anything else into it.
As for my Sig, that isn’t a dig, it’s just a fact. No harm meant by it, but forewarned is forarmed.[/b]

If you need extra lhd instruction with Bosch (VdB), don’t expect to get any, DO expect a ticket home.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Just how stupid do you think we are? :unamused:

Your comments about VdB have got hate, vitriol, spit and froth written all over them and you just can’t stop yourself from eating that large bunch of sour grapes you’ve got in your hand.

Remove your signature and MOVE ON. FFS man, I’ve seen 5yr olds have less of a tantrum over stuff than you, and you’re 45 ! :open_mouth: :unamused:

Rob K:
Just how stupid do you think we are? :unamused:

Your comments about VdB have got hate, vitriol, spit and froth written all over them and you just can’t stop yourself from eating that large bunch of sour grapes you’ve got in your hand.

Remove your signature and MOVE ON. FFS man, I’ve seen 5yr olds have less of a tantrum over stuff than you, and you’re 45 ! :open_mouth: :unamused:

We all know how ‘stupid’ you are, so that’s that one ‘sorted’. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Do you really think I’m interested in your opinion, errrrr reality check. I don’t give a toss what you say or think. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: End of :unamused:


Rob K:
Just how stupid do you think we are? :unamused:

Your comments about VdB have got hate, vitriol, spit and froth written all over them and you just can’t stop yourself from eating that large bunch of sour grapes you’ve got in your hand.

Remove your signature and MOVE ON. FFS man, I’ve seen 5yr olds have less of a tantrum over stuff than you, and you’re 45 ! :open_mouth: :unamused:

We all know how ‘stupid’ you are, so that’s that one ‘sorted’. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Do you really think I’m interested in your opinion, errrrr reality check. I don’t give a toss what you say or think. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: End of :unamused:

If you are not interested in opinions then why post on a forum?? :confused:

@dinosteveus1, if you do not stop and think,then my friend you are shooting yourself in the foot
You have to forget, how one was trained in the Forces,as this does not work in, here in Transport
Unfortunatly as I posted before Time is Money and the ACCOUNTANTS have a big say in most
large groups of business,in civvy street,get yourself a job where the people are happy with the fact
that you are a person who requires more training and time to get to know the job,once you have a few years under your belt, you will have learnt and advanced your skills, you can take this advice and profit from it or you can go on ,wallowing away about the past few weeks, What ever you do remember this
no one stops learning about this job as every day one learns something new,also one has to adjust
to the future and be prepared to learn from any mistake ,All the best for the future…