My back is aching

I have sciatic nerve problems on both sides and it can get quite severe. I was shocked to find out it was not heavy lifting that aggravated it but rather vibration. When I drove a mini digger my back was terrible! So when I started driving artics this year my back went mad.

The solution came to me straight away and it worked for me. I adjust the seat and have it high so my feet just touch the floor, the angle of the seat is forward so that there is just enough support under my knees but I am not able to slide forward and most important the back rest is bolt upright forcing me to sit straight up. If I slouch in the seat for even an hour my back starts aching but sat bolt upright I can survive my 13 hour night shift and it sounds uncomfortable but you get used to sitting upright quickly. If there is also lumber support that pushes the centre of your spine, use that as well. If I have a few hours wait anywhere I lay flat in the bunk to give my back some relief and either sleep or read a book. I never sit in waiting areas with those awful chairs :smiley:

There is an article titled ‘How To Sit On A Motorcycle’ which was jointly written by a motorcycle journalist along with a Prof’ of Ergonomics from Nottingham University.

I think the original must be buried in copyright tussles because I’ve never been able to find it on t’internet, if you Google it then you’ll see it has been heavily plagiarised.

I remember the original article well because it revolutionised my riding. Once I had the right set up for me I could ride 100’s of miles pain free.

We need something similar for trucks, from a respected source, like a Prof’ of Ergonomics.

I know what works for me on a bike, but I’ve never felt comfortable driving a truck after as little as 100mls in one go, which is why I don’t.

All week i have been bouncing up and down in the hot seat

Now my lower back is killing me

I also find myself leaning to the right hand side while driving

Tips and advice please

I have only read the first post… bet you drive a Scania, the kost uncomfortable truck I have EVER driven. Never driven a Volvo or a Hino though.


You possibly have a protruding discin the lower part of your spine putting pressure on the sciatic nerve , no help I’m afraid mate , just pain killers & gentle exercises , mine is killing me after painting today …

Trust me disc issues are a serious problem that shouldn’t be underestimated in terms of their ability to cause the type of pain which painkillers other than morphine won’t help let alone all the other implications involved.The usual first sign is the old test of lifting a leg while lying on your back.If it’s a lower spine disc/s you’ll probably know it at that point.

agree ive had 2 ops 4 removed first time then after 3 yrs 3 removed
done 10 yrs since but cant stand up for long intervals cant walk far without my foot going numb and guess what imdoing ■■■■■■■ gas bottles about ive been told if i need another op im finished

I’m learning stuff about the dear set up here, I always thought the more bounce , the better for my back …n.

I’m learning stuff about the dear set up here, I always thought the more bounce , the better for my back …n.

Same here so tommorow night I will be riding hard



You possibly have a protruding discin the lower part of your spine putting pressure on the sciatic nerve , no help I’m afraid mate , just pain killers & gentle exercises , mine is killing me after painting today …

Trust me disc issues are a serious problem that shouldn’t be underestimated in terms of their ability to cause the type of pain which painkillers other than morphine won’t help let alone all the other implications involved.The usual first sign is the old test of lifting a leg while lying on your back.If it’s a lower spine disc/s you’ll probably know it at that point.

agree ive had 2 ops 4 removed first time then after 3 yrs 3 removed
done 10 yrs since but cant stand up for long intervals cant walk far without my foot going numb and guess what imdoing ■■■■■■■ gas bottles about ive been told if i need another op im finished

In my case it was as I’ve described it and just kept working in serious pain until I eventually went to the doctor he did that test the told me I was in the zb it’s at least one disc.Then it was X rays and scans which all confirmed it for degenerative reasons which mean that more will be likely to go and told that they’d operate with considerable risks which I turned down.The company doctor then advised termination of employment,regardless of wether they operated or not,and just do as little physical work as possible which was agreed by all concerned including the hospital and my doctor and the union.Luckily I was insured for my own occupation and was able to walk away into early retirement.That was 14 years ago.That or the pain of pancreatitis which I had since I’d imagine can’t be any less painful than a gunshot wound or three in addition to gout which is a bit like being hit in the knees,ankles or toe joint with a big hammer. :open_mouth: :frowning:

I drive fork lifts now.
Bloke I work with had been complaining of a sore arm.
I was stood talking to him the other day, finished my chat and I closed the door on his forklift. But as the truck has hard doors, they don’t close properly with the air pressure that builds up when the door is closing. So I opened the door, opened the window and shut the door again.
The guy in the truck swore at me for hours. as him slamming the door had been the cause of his sore arm. 2 months he had been slamming it.