My back is aching

Hiya …i have a ostopath (spel) in Wilsmlow who will sort your back out with a couple of visits.
he,s the bees knees at sorting out joint pain, he’s kept me going for the last 30 years with different
things ive dislocated from time to time. its £55 per session but he’s good . PM me for his number if your intrested

you don’t need an osteopath at your age john , you need a bloody magician !! anon

I have 3 herniated discs and I cant stress enough hard quickly you need to get your back looked at by docs. I’ve had 2 ops already and waiting for a 3rd major one shortly. According to the surgeon my discs have basically collapsed onto each other and they need replaced with silicone discs held in place by titanium :frowning:
The docs all agree it was caused by years of jumping up and down from lorries, trailers etc and bad seats with poor lumbar support etc etc. Pushing cages, pallets and hand balling over the past 20 odd years certainly hasn’t helped. Bear in mind I’m only 46 and probably won’t drive for at least 6 months after op. I haven’t worked in 3 months since I was put on morphine to help kill the pain and had my licence revoked in a flash :frowning:
All I’m saying is get it checked out ASAP and dont be like me who thought it was just a simple back strain that would go away. Mine didn’t, hopefully yours will. Best of luck.

I went to a physio, he was brilliant, he showed me some very simple exercises which helped my back get stronger.
Well worth the money.

You possibly have a protruding discin the lower part of your spine putting pressure on the sciatic nerve , no help I’m afraid mate , just pain killers & gentle exercises , mine is killing me after painting today …

Trust me disc issues are a serious problem that shouldn’t be underestimated in terms of their ability to cause the type of pain which painkillers other than morphine won’t help let alone all the other implications involved.The usual first sign is the old test of lifting a leg while lying on your back.If it’s a lower spine disc/s you’ll probably know it at that point.

the fub:
I have 3 herniated discs and I cant stress enough hard quickly you need to get your back looked at by docs. I’ve had 2 ops already and waiting for a 3rd major one shortly. According to the surgeon my discs have basically collapsed onto each other and they need replaced with silicone discs held in place by titanium :frowning:
The docs all agree it was caused by years of jumping up and down from lorries, trailers etc and bad seats with poor lumbar support etc etc. Pushing cages, pallets and hand balling over the past 20 odd years certainly hasn’t helped. Bear in mind I’m only 46 and probably won’t drive for at least 6 months after op. I haven’t worked in 3 months since I was put on morphine to help kill the pain and had my licence revoked in a flash :frowning:
All I’m saying is get it checked out ASAP and dont be like me who thought it was just a simple back strain that would go away. Mine didn’t, hopefully yours will. Best of luck.

^ This.It starts with a what seems like sciatica but it’s what happens next which is unbelievable in it’s seriousness.

I have the same problem, but the heated seat really helps, sometimes its too hot but eases my back…its the 1st thing I do when I get in,switch the heated seat on.

If it’s a fleet spec MAN like mine, there are no lumbar supports. How much “bounce” have you got the seat set to? Even driving off road I have it set with no bounce at all. Driving with the steering wheel in what I call the “old fashioned angle” (flat, Atkinson style) will irritate your back over time.

I suffer with bad back now and again, caused like many of us by too much real work when i was younger, but it seldom troubles me driving the lorry.

I tend to sit as high and as far back as possible with backside firmly wedged into the seat back, steering wheel max height and tilted right back, have the seat suspension set to almost solid, MAN seat is very good when set right.

Useful natural remedy is Devils Claw, whenever i’ve had sciatica its sorted me out.

Chiropractor sorted my back out, told me to use heat & Ice, I take it to extremes sometimes & use a solid ice pack covered with a t towel, jammed into my lower back for half an hour, they recommend only about 10 minutes. Occasionally I have a hot bath or sit with a hot water bottle on my back. All depends on how it feels.

As already been said, lay off the running for a few days & make sure that your seat/posture is correct, don’t slouch, sit upright.

Never, Never, Never jump out of the cab or off the trailer, always climb down, most drivers including me, used to do both & 99% of them have got knackered backs at 40+.

I drive a MAN & the seat is set up with no bounce & halfway on the uppy/downy button with the back set at 90’.

Painkillers can help over the short term, they will relax the pain, enabling you to sit properly & give your back a chance to recover (it will never be the same as it was when you were 20 !)

Never, Never, Never jump out of the cab or off the trailer, always climb down, most drivers including me, used to do both & 99% of them have got knackered backs at 40+.

I can relate to that, 20 years ago I was jumping off flatbeds and out of cabs all the time but just the other day I tried it and felt the shock impact on my back so won’t be doing that again.

i sometimes get this and i find a nice soothing back rub from er indoors neice (trained sports massuse) and i find it works a treat

double post

i sometimes get this and i find a nice soothing back rub from er indoors neice (trained sports massuse) and i find it works a treat

My filthy mind nearly landed me in bother got to “er indoors” and had a mental picture of added extras, read on to “niece” and thought better of it. :blush:

So glad I didn’t say something. :laughing: :laughing:

A deep heat back rub and extras could be more painful than the back ache

I could never get really comfortable in my Foden Alpha, I was always fiddling with the seat. Fitters did adjust something on the subframe which improved things. When I drove an 02 reg CF tipper last year, it was really comfortable yet the seats were identical to the Alpha.
The one seat I’ve got in and felt comfortable straightaway was a Merc Axor. :open_mouth:

All week i have been bouncing up and down in the hot seat

Now my lower back is killing me

I also find myself leaning to the right hand side while driving

Tips and advice please

make sure the shock absorber in the seat is working.

I had a MAN with a defective seat,and just like you my lower back started to ache.i foolishly thought that the bouncy seat would cushion my back,when in actual fact it was the continuous up and down motion that was compressing my spine,which causes inflammation of the discs.
eventually, it will get worse and worse until it herniates…and then you`re in serious pain.
it took me about 18 months to become pain free,and even now I have numbness in my right toes which is caused by nerve damage.
I now have my seat set with hardly any movement at all…in fact when I first went back to work,i wedged a block of wood under seat and let all the air out.

might be worth a trip to a chiropractor aswell.your spine will probably be all over the place as your muscles try to compensate the injury you have.
he`ll have you straight in a couple of visits.


All week i have been bouncing up and down in the hot seat

Now my lower back is killing me

I also find myself leaning to the right hand side while driving

Tips and advice please

make sure the shock absorber in the seat is working.

I had a MAN with a defective seat,and just like you my lower back started to ache.i foolishly thought that the bouncy seat would cushion my back,when in actual fact it was the continuous up and down motion that was compressing my spine,which causes inflammation of the discs.
eventually, it will get worse and worse until it herniates…and then you`re in serious pain.
it took me about 18 months to become pain free,and even now I have numbness in my right toes which is caused by nerve damage.
I now have my seat set with hardly any movement at all…in fact when I first went back to work,i wedged a block of wood under seat and let all the air out.

So take the bounce of the seat then


edited to add

I wouldn’t be surprised,if you find that you cant dial out all the bounciness.if so...the shock absorber is knackered,and youre on springs only.

it needs sorting.