Mundane drivel (Funny)

Try putting a serious issue on here that is affecting us all and they remove it.
Why?. By Drivers for drivers. ? Are you sure.

What issue was that?

British jobs for British people…

See a pattern emerging ■■ :confused:

I was asking about who would be the best organisation to join, In order to stop the way things are going. IE all us brits getting laid off to save money. Pensions holidays ETC. I have had enough and want to stand up for country and fellow Brits

You mean this one?

It wasnt removed just moved to the appropriate forum as it is more a political discussion than anything else…

It looks like the person who moved it forgot to click the little button which leaves a link behind so you could find where it went, for which I apologise

British jobs for British people…

See a pattern emerging ■■ :confused:

Yep :slight_smile: