last week i told you guys about the chance of a job at stobarts…so went to appleton did the tick box questions on drivers hours, then out for a drive, ok.
so now i’ve got a part time job this was confirmed today. so now i go for a full induction day they pay u for that. get the uniform ect.ect. stobarts, from what i can see are kicking the agencys into touch, however i know they got a lot of stuff happening contracts ect inc tesco stuff. this guy told me they have stood down 250 trucks, but these were the white ones you see pulling tesco trailers.
“we sent them back to tesco” he said.or were ever they came from. things should start to pick in march im told, and cause you got a foot in the door you’ll be the first to be considered for full time. the bottom line is i got no work which i never though would happen to a lorry driver, so this is a start . so you guys,
i will ask plenty of questions and will pass it all on to you. thanks for the support and good will, especially to you ken. i know that a lot of you out there slag stobarts ect however im a lorry driver and glad that i am, and i dont care if my load is 26 tonnes of fish heads or five million pounds worth of x-ray plates, thats what i do, out on the road in your own office, that is us. jonny.
Well done buddy
. Hope everything pans out for you,it’s about time we had some good news on here. Good luck,and take it easy.
well done
i havent had any problems with esl wages are good as far as im concerned always paid on time plenty of uniform good tackle to drive defects sorted pretty much immediately no running bent the only downside is the planners but as i am on a customer contract i dont have to deal with them
good luck pal there are worse ways to earn a living
well done mate on get in at stobarts. i have a mate who works for them and he say the same thing about things picking up come march
they have dropped everyones hours to 50 a week but we are still getting ot im in tomorrow and word has it we have just won 3 big contracts dont know any details though
good luck with and dont forget to post your trucks names.
take some photo’s for the photo forum.
they have dropped everyones hours to 50 a week but we are still getting ot im in tomorrow and word has it we have just won 3 big contracts dont know any details though
Do they not conform to the WTD?
Good luck mate Stobarts was the 2nd best driving job ive had, was on the drawbars though
of course but you can opt out my day is 7-5 30 paid for 10 hours they pay poa and as that doesnt count to wtd happy days the 17 week average is monitored and if you start to get near 48 hrs or above they plan you accordingly and did i mention they guarantee 10 hrs a day
8 legger:
they have dropped everyones hours to 50 a week but we are still getting ot im in tomorrow and word has it we have just won 3 big contracts dont know any details thoughDo they not conform to the WTD?
doe’s anyone.
of course but you can opt out my day is 7-5 30 paid for 10 hours they pay poa and as that doesnt count to wtd happy days the 17 week average is monitored and if you start to get near 48 hrs or above they plan you accordingly and did i mention they guarantee 10 hrs a day
I was just curious as to how other people get around it, thanks for the reply.
Thats funny Bradders as my hours haven’t been cut (65 hrs and 4 nights out this week).
Bugcos,i never knew you were a member of the Stobart Caravan club??
Good luck Jonny in your job,like you said its a start and it will pick up around March like it does every year unless this slowdown makes it a bit harder going.
Still with Tesco down the road at Middlewich you’ll have work.
Thats funny Bradders as my hours haven’t been cut (65 hrs and 4 nights out this week).
Bugcos,i never knew you were a member of the Stobart Caravan club??yeah everyone out of appleton was cut i was even offered 3 days hols although i was asked to come back in on the friday im a day man anyway where you based
Yes i heard about Appleton,try to avoid that place like the plague.
Oh,i’m a Hams Hall Sun-Thurs day tramper.
Done a few shifts for es out of hams hall ! once out on the road things were fine. And had the joy of visiting appleton… once. !!
good luck with it !!
i got 68 hours in this week on chilled running out of corby on day hire with 4 nights out …talk to a couple other lads they ran maximium hours past 2 weeks …with all nights out
i know that a lot of you out there slag stobarts ect however im a lorry driver and glad that i am, and i dont care if my load is 26 tonnes of fish heads or five million pounds worth of x-ray plates, thats what i do, out on the road in your own office, that is us. jonny.
thats what its all about,some “drivers” forget that part and only want to do certain work.
same as some i know won’t entertain the idea of driving dustbin wagons or other “lowly” jobs.
i have driven those and little vans used for collecting recycled stguff, no worries ,the pound notes on payday still look/feel the same as any others i have earn’t.
Good luck with the job jonny hope they do take you on full time ,you probably deserve it.
I open-mouth stumbled into a very pleasant looking Eddie girl, reefer driver last night in the (Milton Keynes) RDC …sign me up too!
Happy Keith:
I open-mouth stumbled into a very pleasant looking Eddie girl, reefer driver last night in the (Milton Keynes) RDC …sign me up too!
ive already got mi name down keith so ill beet you to her