Mr Shifter spotted?

Was that you travelling northbound on the M3 just before the A34 split at about 11.15 this morning?

If it was, I was in the Peter Cooper Volvo that stuck his hand up to you :smiley:

jdc that wasnt u in the blue road train this morning on leigh road around 8am

Cheeky git, the driver of that is about 45!!!..much older than me!

No, that was New Forest removals. They park in our yard and we sometimes use their truck but they are nothing to do with us! Was in Eastleigh at lunchtime. Kept me eyes open for you but saw nothing.

hahaha u just missed me then… got back to yard at about 1.30 after training the new kid up… will keep me eyes peeled now i know ur in the white lorrys. whats that fl10 like to drive then?

Just like any FL10…the cabs too smal!! In all seriousness, its not too bad, pulls well and has demountable bodies so if you have bad access you can swop the body from the trailer to the unit and access the property that way.

The system is good but the truck itself is getting tired. We only use it occassionally when all of ours are out etc

You busy?

yeh mate was wondering how u get to some of the places in the new forest with it… nah only 2 jobs a week if were lucky at the moment. Its totally dead. The company few doors down from us hasnt had anywork in 2 weeks… what about you lot??

Work has definately slowed down but we have been quite fortunate and managed to book a fair bit of work but by no means are we flat out.

We have had a fair bit of European and Office work which has helped us to keep busy :slight_smile:

ah yeh sweet. dunno what does on in our office as i tend to stay out of there just in case they decide to train me up in there for the quiet days lol… would rather be out in the yard been productive instead of answering the phones… U doing alot of european at the mo then?

The euro side has remained quite busy which is surprising as we don’t normally pick up till around this sort of time.

hi jdc,
yeah that was me, on our way to bourton on the water. full load and full unpack aswell :confused:
left the old gal with a passage way to move around between her furniture :laughing:
got home this morning

mr shifter:
hi jdc,
yeah that was me, on our way to bourton on the water. full load and full unpack aswell :confused:
left the old gal with a passage way to move around between her furniture :laughing:
got home this morning

Always cracks me up when they down size and you end up leaving them
hardly any space to move,or the spare bedroom is filled to the roof with
boxes and stuff ! Always nice to see the look on the face when they realise
theve just ■■■■■■ up buying there new property! :laughing: :laughing:

you pair of cruel buggers leaving them no space whatsoever?.

just waiting for her to phone up & say she can’t find something now.
she’ll be lucky if she’s sorted by xmas :laughing:

mr shifter:
just waiting for her to phone up & say she can’t find something now.
she’ll be lucky if she’s sorted by xmas :laughing:

Yeah that always cracks me up ,like you say they ring up and cant find
something so you ask them “have you unpacked all the boxes” and they
say no ! :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

yeh mate was wondering how u get to some of the places in the new forest with it… nah only 2 jobs a week if were lucky at the moment. Its totally dead. The company few doors down from us hasnt had anywork in 2 weeks… what about you lot??

Its the same with us, top of scotland, only had one lorry south to england every week instead of three. Think the housing boom has blown!

yeh well i hear on the grape vine that banks have stopped giving out morgages too… Just been talking to another company here in southampton who r struggling as well and therefore not even thinking of taking on anystaff b4 the summer rush… will be interesting to see how things pan out for the smaller removal firms in the industry

Is that right that the removal firms who run into Europe are starting to bring more people BACK from Spain than are moving out there?

I think it was deanb who mentioned it in his Spanish diary, just wondered if the rest of you were doing the same?

It used to be that a removal firm could never get a back load out of Spain!

We don do much international but talkin to guys from wittle removals the other night they said they would send an artic out w 600cuft on it and come back full… Seems though people do expect one life then get there last a while and then start to get home sick. The market will be interesting to watch over the next few months and if it picks up during the summer. Personally i think it will be a quiet year but we shall see

Evening all,

I think this year will be very tough for ALL removal companys. I don’t however think that the housing bubble has burst. I think that everyone is talking themselves out of confidence.

You read the papers and listen to the news and you believe there is a problem. I think the only problem there is, is a lack of confidence is the home owning public because they listen to the media and belive there is a problem.

YES, removal companys of all sizes are finding it dfficult and therefore fighting for work.

However, you listen to the news a couple of years back and eggs were bad for you, a glass of wine was good for you etc etc, yet this year eggs are fine and we are told to lay off the booze, whats right and whats wrong??

I think that this is the time of year that historically the industry picks up and it will…slowly. When it does, this will give confidence to others that are waiting to see what happens, and slowly but surely we will all get busier.

think it was deanb who mentioned it in his Spanish diary, just wondered if the rest of you were doing the same

It was me who said this. We have brought more people back from Spain this year than taken out. In fact we have a truck shipping tommorrow that is the first to deliver to Spain this year. I have run from Germany to Spain to collect 3 loads that fill the truck already this year. The funniest reason for their return to theUK…it was too hot!! Fancy that in Spain :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

last two couples we’ve brought back from spain have been because it’s too hot :open_mouth:
one of them then moved on to stranrear :confused:
that should do it then!!!