Moved from -September Truck & Driver question

What is your favourite “My Mate Told Me” urban myth about our industry?”

Sorry to go off on a tangent here, but…

Sorry Rikki, but it has to be said - why are you continuing to regurgitate old forum content to fill T&D? Isn’t the whole idea of T&D (and any business for that matter) to turn a profit? Much of T&Ds target market will be the drivers on this forum so how exactly do you expect T&D to make money from doing this?

And yes you can print this comment in the September mag.

Rob K:
Sorry to go off on a tangent here, but…

Sorry Rikki, but it has to be said - why are you continuing to regurgitate old forum content to fill T&D? Isn’t the whole idea of T&D (and any business for that matter) to turn a profit? Much of T&Ds target market will be the drivers on this forum so how exactly do you expect T&D to make money from doing this?

And yes you can print this comment in the September mag.

Simply Rob, as popular as TruckNet UK is on the web, T&D has far more readers , and neither of us reach any where near the total amount of licence holders. Like us or not, the organisation that rates magazines rates T&D as the best selling and TruckNet UK as the most used website in our area. When Will took on editorship of T&D he said he wanted input from drivers, not press agents… as sister publications we took that on board, and using by your shout drivers own words and thoughts are getting into print

Its not perfect, but we listened to the criticism that all the magazines were doing was reproducing press releases and by using this asset added those in the industries own words.

As for turning a profit… I think RBI are doing pretty well - yes as a company they have slimmed down over the reccession, but they have posted a profit every year… and these forums are still here…when other publications have gone… in times of cutbacks and insolvency that should perhaps to the sensible person say something.


Rob K:
Sorry to go off on a tangent here, but…

Sorry Rikki, but it has to be said - why are you continuing to regurgitate old forum content to fill T&D? Isn’t the whole idea of T&D (and any business for that matter) to turn a profit? Much of T&Ds target market will be the drivers on this forum so how exactly do you expect T&D to make money from doing this?

And yes you can print this comment in the September mag.

Simply Rob, as popular as TruckNet UK is on the web, T&D has far more readers , and neither of us reach any where near the total amount of licence holders. Like us or not, the organisation that rates magazines rates T&D as the best selling and TruckNet UK as the most used website in our area. When Will took on editorship of T&D he said he wanted input from drivers, not press agents… as sister publications we took that on board, and using by your shout drivers own words and thoughts are getting into print

Its not perfect, but we listened to the criticism that all the magazines were doing was reproducing press releases and by using this asset added those in the industries own words.

As for turning a profit… I think RBI are doing pretty well - yes as a company they have slimmed down over the reccession, but they have posted a profit every year… and these forums are still here…when other publications have gone… in times of cutbacks and insolvency that should perhaps to the sensible person say something.

First thing, how come you have BBCode for your posts but no-one else does in this forum■■?

Secondly, the topic of T&D is really a separate issue anyway and not for here so I won’t wreck this thread by continuing here. I’ll wrap up my feelings by simply saying I don’t agree with copying free content from this site, pasting it straight into T&D and then flogging it. I think it’s a very underhand tactic and if I were RBI top cheese I would sack whoever the editor of T&D is for being [zb] at his job for not sourcing his own material/doing his own research.

I wonder just how long T&D would survive if every member on here copyrighted their posts and would only let their content be used elsewhere for a fee.

Rob… Firstly the BB code… its a setting thats wrong… will sort it :slight_smile:

Secondly… this forum is very clearly set up tto input directly into the magazine … it is labelled as such

1. Any replies in here may be used in print in Reed Business Information’s titles, if you do not want your comments to appear in these publications please do not reply in here to any topics

If any journalist from RBI or eslewhere wants to use stuff from this forum they are told quite clearly to ask the posters permission, If a Journalist makes a post asking for info for print they are told to make it cleaer thats what it is for…

what more do you want us to do?

TruckNet Uk does not live in isolation, it is part of the Road Transport Group and that includes Motor Transport, Commercial Motor, Truck & Driver,

Being part of that group means we can offer competitions to go to Itlaly, to the home of Ferrari, we can provide a hospitality area at Truckfest, we can hold a free bar post xmas event and more,

No but in Fairness though you do have to admit it sticks in the throat to spew up £3 on a magazine to open it, and find out you read most of whats printed in it on here 3 weeks ago.

No but in Fairness though you do have to admit it sticks in the throat to spew up £3 on a magazine to open it, and find out you read most of whats printed in it on here 3 weeks ago.

That has always been the case. At work we got Motor Transport and Comical Motor delivered every week,
then weeks or months later, the same stories were recycled into Truck, T&D and Trucking International.

I suppose it works both ways as I still read and there are some new articles appear regularly which promotes or provokes further comment on these forums!

But as T&D is a monthly mag it can be upto 3 mths behind some stories

But as T&D is a monthly mag it can be upto 3 mths behind some stories

That I would agree with, I find Trucking carry a story then the next month it will be in T+D.

No but in Fairness though you do have to admit it sticks in the throat to spew up £3 on a magazine to open it, and find out you read most of whats printed in it on here 3 weeks ago.

That’s why I don’t buy the magazine but the majority of readers of T&D don’t read TruckNet so it isn’t old content to them.


No but in Fairness though you do have to admit it sticks in the throat to spew up £3 on a magazine to open it, and find out you read most of whats printed in it on here 3 weeks ago.

That’s why I don’t buy the magazine but the majority of readers of T&D don’t read TruckNet so it isn’t old content to them.

Source? :wink: Or did you get that from Hobbs Possible Statistics Ltd?

Rob K:
Source? :wink: Or did you get that from Hobbs Possible Statistics Ltd?

HPS Ltd are pretty near the mark :wink: :wink: … as backed up by the annual Truck & Driver Readers survey… and the reader research conducted by our own research unit within RBI.

Rob K:


No but in Fairness though you do have to admit it sticks in the throat to spew up £3 on a magazine to open it, and find out you read most of whats printed in it on here 3 weeks ago.

That’s why I don’t buy the magazine but the majority of readers of T&D don’t read TruckNet so it isn’t old content to them.

Source? :wink: Or did you get that from Hobbs Possible Statistics Ltd?

No, The Bureau for the Bleeding Obvious. T&D readership is far bigger than the membership of and the visitors to this site.


Rob K:
Source? :wink: Or did you get that from Hobbs Possible Statistics Ltd?

HPS Ltd are pretty near the mark :wink: :wink: … as backed up by the annual Truck & Driver Readers survey… and the reader research conducted by our own research unit within RBI.

Who the hell are the fools that are buying it then? :open_mouth:

I had 3 hours to kill today while my motor was being fixed so parked my arse in the local Morrisons cafe and picked up a copy of the September mag. What a complete waste of £2.85. Seriously, I could fill 10 A4 sheets with the things wrong with it. It’s just absolute garbage. The entire news section is nicked from here, the letters section is regurgitated questions which have been posted on here in the past, and has now shrunk to 1 page whereas it used to be at least 2 in the past. A couple of very weak glory-boy articles on a Arclid job and some horse box outfit and another weak tale about a company sticking telephone poles in the ground, and the rest of the mag is filled with ads. WTF is this [zb]? It took me 45 mins to read the entire mag from cover to cover and at the end of it I was ready for a kip from reading the incredibly dull articles. :unamused:

I’ve no doubt you will be quickly jumping to defend it, so please, tell me which part(s) - exactly - is/are so great that is reason enough to someone to part with £2.85 for it. :question:

TBH I was seriously considering taking it back for a refund.

As sad as this may sound I agree with RobK the magazine does tend to get worse each month.
In my opinion it has been going downhill for the past 2 years.
I read through my collection of T+D mags and they do tend to go downhill.
I think in this day and age with so much media out there it does need to pick up its game before it sinks.