Mount blanc tunnel fire

Did anyone see that programme on national geographic channel last night, it was called disasters and was all about the fire in the mount blan tunnel back in 1999 when a volvo fh12 caught fire midway between france and italy. me being new to lorries etc i didn’t remember the fire personally…but what a crackin programme very informative.

Also there was a british driver in the hour long documentry, who was called john whitby if i remember correctly :blush: :blush: …was just wondering if he was a member on here at all? or wether anyone knows him?

I saw it last week,and a bloody good programme it was.


yeah seen it advertised last week and said to my wife,i’ll watch that and ended up forgetting about it.

was probably stuck on here talking to margate :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

yeah probably kitkat lol…or was i talkin to my sister pmsl :wink: :wink: (u know what i mean kitkat lol )