Moto services meal vouchers

For those that moan on about ‘vouchers’ & ‘burger king’ etc why don’t you just cook and cater for yourself. It’s not expensive & with some imagination you may surprise yourself what you can cook. By all means get the voucher & use it in something like Costa to get some bottles of coke, water, fruit juice etc, by doing that you’ll save yourself a fortune aswell.

One other trick for you…you need to be cheeky for this one :slight_smile: ask someone in the queue if they would like a meal for £2. When your at the counter ask for 2 meals instead of one & then promptly sell the other, unless you can handle 2 meals yourself :wink: lol



Why people persist in using MOTO they have made it quite clear that they do not want drivers using their services I have complained to them about having to pay £10.15 for a coffee and sausage and bacon roll at Forton Services response was there are plenty of other places you can use, so guess what that is exactly what I do Greggs large coffee, sausage and bacon roll £3, Subway egg sausage and cheese roll with a coffee £2.30 it is not rocket science just go elsewhere

Go on then , tell me where else I could go with 20mins left at 2:20 in the morning in West London■■?

If you just need to park for the night and can cater for yourself then Springfield Road, Hayes is quiet and free!
Call in to Heston in the morning for a shower…

Have parked there many times when I was working from Heathrow.

I do know of Springfield road mate but I thought I’d be risking it at that time of day if I couldn’t get parked up I’d be out of time to go anywhere else.


Why people persist in using MOTO they have made it quite clear that they do not want drivers using their services I have complained to them about having to pay £10.15 for a coffee and sausage and bacon roll at Forton Services response was there are plenty of other places you can use, so guess what that is exactly what I do Greggs large coffee, sausage and bacon roll £3, Subway egg sausage and cheese roll with a coffee £2.30 it is not rocket science just go elsewhere

Go on then , tell me where else I could go with 20mins left at 2:20 in the morning in West London■■?

Hayes, come off at the junction before the services over the first roundabout then into Hayes industrial area no bother parking around there and a butty van in the morning, also if coming in on the M4 the Riverside café as long as you don’t have a running fridge.



Why people persist in using MOTO they have made it quite clear that they do not want drivers using their services I have complained to them about having to pay £10.15 for a coffee and sausage and bacon roll at Forton Services response was there are plenty of other places you can use, so guess what that is exactly what I do Greggs large coffee, sausage and bacon roll £3, Subway egg sausage and cheese roll with a coffee £2.30 it is not rocket science just go elsewhere

Go on then , tell me where else I could go with 20mins left at 2:20 in the morning in West London■■?

Hayes, come off at the junction before the services over the first roundabout then into Hayes industrial area no bother parking around there and a butty van in the morning, also if coming in on the M4 the Riverside café as long as you don’t have a running fridge.

Fair enough mate but like I said with 20mins left on my spread when I tipped in Hamersmith, if I got to these spots and couldn’t get parked up I’d be ■■■■■■ then.

Free McDonalds iced smoothie here … -smoothie/

Denis F:

For the people that have been trucknet members for a few years…Who was the boy on here a couple of years ago? burger king nathan or something? Anyone remember him? Maybe he should comment on this :smiley:


But he hasn’t been here since 2005 :wink:

9 years Denis?!! bloody nora, there was me thinking a couple, 3 at the most!