More o license help

I am in the process of putting together an o license application for the company I work for.

Our intention is to initially hire a vehicle to help us with seasonal demand of our operation. I am a little bit confused when reading GV 79 guidance notes, says

Standard licence applicants:
From 4 December 2011 standard licence applicants must be able to prove they have a formal arrangement for access at all times to at least one vehicle registered or in circulation in GB.
This could be by specifying a vehicle for use under an O-licence or by demonstrating on request that the licence holder has a vehicle available – so vehicles may be either wholly owned or held under a hire-purchase, hire/leasing arrangement or other type of formal arrangement.

how would I prove that I had access to a vehicle at all times? Even though I only intend to have a vehicle for 12-16 weeks of the year at the moment??


By having an account at vehicle hire firm

In my experience, the best possible thing to do when applying for an O licence is to establish a telephone relationship with your case worker at Leeds, and explain your business model. But even before that, when you submit your application send a covering letter explaining what you have said here, I’m sure you will be fine.

Thanks for the help gents