More hours questions

Two questions:

1.Night hours.
I always thought that when working night shift,nightshift hours were anything worked between midnight and 04.00.
Heard this week that night hours are now 23.00 to 04.00.
Is this correct?

2.Shift start times.
If I start a night shift at 02.00 one night,even if it’s a short shift,as long as I have a minimum rest period of 9 hours,can I start my next night shift at midnight?
e.g.Start of shift: 02.00 on 16-07-13.
End of shift: 12.00 on 16-07-13
Rest period: 12 hours,(Or at least 9 hours).
Start of shift 23.59 on 16-07-13.
Is this possible?

Two questions:

1.Night hours.
I always thought that when working night shift,nightshift hours were anything worked between midnight and 04.00.
Heard this week that night hours are now 23.00 to 04.00.
Is this correct?

No it’s not correct, night time for goods vehicle drivers is midnight to 04:00, for PSV drivers night time is 01:00 to 05:00.

Article 2
“night time” means in respect of goods vehicles the period between midnight and 4 a.m. and in respect of passenger vehicles the period between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m;

2.Shift start times.
If I start a night shift at 02.00 one night,even if it’s a short shift,as long as I have a minimum rest period of 9 hours,can I start my next night shift at midnight?
e.g.Start of shift: 02.00 on 16-07-13.
End of shift: 12.00 on 16-07-13
Rest period: 12 hours,(Or at least 9 hours).
Start of shift 23.59 on 16-07-13.
Is this possible?

Well I suppose it depends on how much actual working time you’ve done in the shift, although you can only legally do 10 hours working time in the 24 hour period, neither POA nor break count as working time.

So if for instance you’ve only done 8 hours working time in the 10 hour night there would be nothing to stop you from starting the next shift 2 hours earlier.

It’s important to note (important in you care about the WTD that is :wink: ) that the period of 24 hours is not reset after a daily rest period the way it is for the tachograph regulations.
So a period of 24 hours for the night working time rules is actually 24 hours from the start of the shift even it that 24 hour period encompasses part of the next shift.

Article 9
The working time of a mobile worker, who performs night work in any period of 24 hours, shall not exceed 10 hours during that period.

Depends on you’re tacho head :laughing: some won’t let you log on you’re digi till 00:01 hrs! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: especially SCANIA :sunglasses: