More Eye Stuff

Hi guys, I’m a newbie here so be a bit gentle.

Basically I got my HGV provisional nearly 10 years ago, I’m starting a new job and the firm wants me to do my class two since I have the provisional and I’ve been driving 7.5t this past while. What’s worrying me is the eyesight test when I come to renew my licence. (I’m 42)

Basically I had my eyes tested about 2 weeks ago and got new glasses. I had another safety critical medical for another job on the railways and whilst I could read the entire eye chart right to the bottom with my glasses on, without them I could now read ■■■■ all. Now I read that there is now no minimum standard for uncorrected vision, I see that it’s still on the medical form.

I’m not gonna be driving without glasses and always carry a spare pair, I’m just wondering that having crappy uncorrected vision will rule me out of renewing my licence.


I don’t know for certain but I doubt it would a problem my vision in my right eye without glasses is very poor but I passed my medical in August. Dr did say I would have to go to optician for my next medical.
If you are concerned have a word with your optician for what it would cost it would give you peace of mind.

I spoke to the optician and they said as far as the corrected vision was concerned I was fine, it’s the uncorrected that is the problem. She has never been asked to do anything regarding HGV. I read the latest DVSA medical notes and they didn’t mention uncorrected acuity, I know it used to be 3/60 according to an older version of the notes but I’m reading from different sources online that it has been done away with, and others say it hasn’t. There’s no uncorrected standard on the actual medical form either, but a box to enter it anyway. :unamused:

I think I might just give up on the class 2 idea and hope that when the provisional HGV runs out, they don’t take my grandfather rights for c1 away too. :frowning:

This is the bit I don’t get, it’s taken from the latest advice notes for medical professionals. It doesn’t mention uncorrected acuity? Am I missing something?

I think the answer is in the last section if you need a corrective power of more than +8 dioptre you can’t drive, if less than that you’re fine.
We used to have a doctor on here, he might be able to tell you if he’s still about.

If you check one or two threads on this Health and Family forum you will see a Dr.Phil Thornley posts some advice to posters queries.
Perhaps you could PM him?