More DCPC training bollocks

as has already been said a lot depends on customers attitude. I drive for a builders merchant and I actually enjoy the job. i see tight places /obstructions as a bit of a challenge, if it looks do-able I will have a go . if I look at the situation and decide its a no no then its NO! full stop. most customers once the problems have been explained are reasonable and ask can I put it elsewhere. however some decide to give it large, questioning my competence as a driver (and occasionally my parentage ) and tell me if I cant put it "there "I can take it back. but when I get in the cab to drive away they suddenly change their attitude :question: . im at a loss as to how a DCPC cert can be any use in these situations ,

Customer service? I’ve already served them by bringing their stufff to them, if they’ve got a problem with it, I call my firm’s customer services department and let them sort it out. I’ve done my bit, I’m not doing theirs too.

Makes me laugh when some oik behind a goods in desk starts blathering about rejecting or re-booking stuff, as if I give a toss :laughing:

I couldn’t care less if they take it or leave it, I’m going to be driving around with a trailer behind me in any case.

I had a DCPC instructor tell me that I could get done for cleaning my mirrors during my break :laughing:

Mine’s up next September so recently decided to do some modules.

Listening to a DCPC trainer is like being lectured on ■■■ education by a nun!

Most of my deliveries are to Irish groundwork gangs…on pricework.
They don’t fork about.

Most of my deliveries are to Irish groundwork gangs…on pricework.
They don’t fork about.

There are still some Irish ones? :open_mouth:

I find when I tell the person we deliver to, which is usually someone else’s customer as we are only the delivery boy, that if you reject it, it suits me because I can’t do my collection and get an early finish, they accept it! :slight_smile:

Strangely enough on my last DCPC course I found most of the other drivers to be quite lacking in knowledge especially when it came to the likes of drivers hours yet they had the attitude the course was a load of rubbish and reckoned they did not need to be there.
The industry definitely needs some form of training not only theory but practical as well.The problem with some drivers is they don’t like being told what to do after 30 years of doing it their own way. Quite right if the trainer is talking rubbish but that is not always the case.


Most of my deliveries are to Irish groundwork gangs…on pricework.
They don’t fork about.

There are still some Irish ones? :open_mouth:

M.V Kelly are all Irish.
Love to see your average rdc bod,dropped in this environment :smiley:



Most of my deliveries are to Irish groundwork gangs…on pricework.
They don’t fork about.

There are still some Irish ones? :open_mouth:

M.V Kelly are all Irish.
Love to see your average rdc bod,dropped in this environment :smiley:

Would be quite a spectacle! :laughing:

Oh yes

I gritted my teeth and did all 35hrs over a 7 week period, 3 of the modules where on “Customer Service” which bizarrely the contents of which where nothing to do with it.

Next up is renewing my driving over Xmas/new year while I’m away in Fuerteventura

I had a DCPC instructor tell me that I could get done for cleaning my mirrors during my break :laughing:

He’s right though!


I had a DCPC instructor tell me that I could get done for cleaning my mirrors during my break :laughing:

He’s right though!

How’s that then?



I had a DCPC instructor tell me that I could get done for cleaning my mirrors during my break :laughing:

He’s right though!

How’s that then?

Sounds like work to me…



I had a DCPC instructor tell me that I could get done for cleaning my mirrors during my break :laughing:

He’s right though!

How’s that then?

Because it’s work and you can’t do work on a break!

I think one of the problems is hgv driving covers a wide spectrum. Saying someone doesn’t know X about driving hours. If you’re driving for a builders merchant you’re never going to do split shift, ferry crossing, probably never do 15 hours. So why would you expect them to have any interest in those rules when they are quite happy in their world or section of work.




I had a DCPC instructor tell me that I could get done for cleaning my mirrors during my break :laughing:

He’s right though!

How’s that then?

Because it’s work and you can’t do work on a break!

I’m not employed to clean mirrors. I must be free to dispose of my time, if I choose to dispose of my time cleaning mirrors, that’s my choice.

DCPC is sorely needed. Makes me laugh that truck drivers wonder why people don’t treat them like professionals when they have an attitude like Harry Monk’s.

The only sad part about the DCPC is that there’s no exam to sit. It’d weed out all the knuckle dragging neanderthals that seriously need to be purged from the job so the rest of us can see an improvement in conditions and pay.

This ■■■■ all began with coach and taxi drivers with a classroom course on how to stow suitcases and assist disabled passengers, it does bugger all for a driver. The owner of the lorry is asked to take a trailer, load, pallet to A from B. Driver is asked by lorry owner to go to B.

It’s the dimwit in the office who made initial contact to liaise with A&B, the lorry owner and any problems with the consignment. The driver only still knows that he has to arrive at B

The dimwit is the one who needs certifying

Odd days:
To fair it’s the customer that needs training. What’s the point of taking their frustrations out on someone who is bottom of the food chain on not much more then minimum wage, about the quality of the product or the lateness of the the delivery. All of which they have no control over. The customer should take the matter up with someone more appropriate.

You have said exactly what I said. Just by using different words but same results