Me and the wife have 3 cats we’ve had these cats 7 and 3 years always kept there jabs and vet stuff upto date never had a problem with them at all
Now for the problem
A neighbour across the road (yes the thick inbred [zb] who’s never done a days work in his life) got a male kitten just after christmas, Well anyway about 2 months later this cat attacked one of mine and cut all its face open so i went across and spoke to said doley and told him he’s got to get this cat neutered as its attacking all the other cats in the neighbourhood plus its spraying everywhere and it [zb]ing stinks
Now this neighbour is a can short of a 6 pack so i gave him the numbers for the cats protection league and the rspca
2 weeks later nothings been done so i go round and see him again and he makes some excuse up so i thought [zb] it i’ll sort it myself so i phoned the cats protection up explained the situation and was told not to worry they’ll sort it
A couple of days later i got a phone call of the cats protection people saying unfortunatly they cant do anything and i’ll have to get on to the rspca and report him for cruelty reason being A: the ferile cat has got cat flu (runny eyes) and its riddled with fleas. and B: It turns out he has another cat thats housebound and the fleas on it are so bad they are under its skin and are slowly eating it.
So basicly cats protection washed there hands of it
So a call was made to the rspca cruelty help line and all was explained, I was then told not to worry as an officer would be sent round and it dealt with.
In the mean time the ferile cat had attacked one of mine again so as i went to split them up it attacked me (bad move ■■■■■)
Upto now nothing has been done which is getting on for a month since i made the original call to the rspca plus several other calls to them
So the way i see it is the cats protection league arnt interested and neither are the RSPCA, The neighbour cant do anything as said above he’s a doley and a plank
So its basicly left down to me
Whats your opinion■■?
Simon I would persist witht he RSPCA they do have a duty under their charter to help, if you make a nuisance of yourself on the phone that will spur them to action. I know its a pain, but think of poor ■■■■■ suffering.
As with all these type of case the animal is innocent and on the receiving end of human failings, and we allegedly know better
Another alternative would be to put the offending moggies in a box, and simply drop them off at the nearest RSPCA place…anonymously if that’s what it needs to stop them from making you take them away again…
First of all let me just say that I’m a big cat lover my self, I breed siamese and oriental shorthair and my cats are a big part of my life.
I certainly would not put up with this. First I would make an official complain to the local police and DEMAND that they put it on record. If the cats are a general nuisanse for the neighbourhood then they will have to make sure it is removed. Also, if you have proof that this cat is dangerous, well it has attacked you and your cats, then you can get the police to confiskate it under the dangerous animal act. This does also cover cats ! In fact if you contact DEFRA they will tell you that certain cat breeds such as the Bengal is now listed as “wild animal” and can not be imported to the UK. GCCF and the Bengal breed clubs are now trying to get this overturned off course.
If nothing happens then the best thing you could do for the poor cats is probably to make sure they get away from this careless owner. Well at least you can help the one that is running loose outdoors. I doubt very much he would have spend money getting the cat micro chipped.
You have clearly given the owner several warnings and you have contacted RSPCA ( not that they are any good unless they’re doing flatter campaign on TV to get money out of people) and cats protection. The problem is that it is only the RSPCA that have legal powers to gain entry to a household to inspect and possible remove an animal.
However you could one day come across this cat in your garden and think…hmmm…poor stray, I better take him down the cats Protection so they can rehome him !
Or do as I did back in Denmark when a neighbouring farmer did not want to bother that two of his male cats came over to our house and chased my cats around. It even started to go in through our cat flap and we’d come down in the morning to see them sleeping on our settee after they’d eaten our cats food and sprayed on our kitchen cupboards !!! Nice !!!
Well, I asked the farmer if he was going to do something about it, which he said he wasn’t. So I did. The cats were farm cats and used to fend for them selfes so I took them on a long ride and let them out near some farms some 150 km’s away. Problem solved ! The farmer never missed the cats by the way.
You should be aware that even though your cats are vaccinated they can still get all the cat flu viruses if they get in close contact with a carrier. The vaccines merely gives the cat a better chance to survive a flu outbrake because it will then have a certain amount of antibodies already. However if your cats gets HIV, FeLV or FIP then there is nothing that can help them and they will die after a matter of time. If I were you I’d keep the cats indoors till this problem has been solved. It is as your vet told you very likely that this entire male cat will by now be a carrier of one or several of the feline viruses.
Just phoned the rspca again and told them if it doesnt get sorted soon then i will sort it
Just phoned the rspca again and told them if it doesnt get sorted soon then i will sort it
Good man…keep the pressure on, sometimes the only way to get results, keep us posted.
keep the phone calls up to the rspca, they will have to deal with it. its there job afterall.
or if you want i will send my cat around to sort it
You know you need glasses when…
The flipping cat is on call again !
One of my very dangerous kittens !
You watch it Tiger !
Very funny Jo, is the Gillette one a real Cat, if so what breed, its hideous?
It’s a real cat. The breed is called Sphynx and they come like that…with no hair !
It’s a real cat. The breed is called Sphynx and they come like that…with no hair !
Thanks Jo, don’t think I’ll be getting one
No hair and needs ironing.
I’ve got of the little [zb]'s.
I totally agree with Juicy Lucy.
Box it up, and take it to the RSPCA.
Oven bake.
Gas mark 2 for two hours.
The RSPCA are supposed to follow up every single complaint - they do round here anyway
Just don’t report me to the RSPTB