
Hia chaps and chapesses. Not posted for a long time. Not a fan of the new forum I’m afraid. However i need your help, being over 40 years since I was over the water and memory not as good as it was, I am looking to go on a road trip next year with my beloved to France and look up a few old places such as clauds etc. Want to especially visit the monument carved out of the rock to comemorate the massacare of the village, forced off the cliff if i remember right. Think it was on the way to Italy going up hill on the right, there was a layby there. Google is not my friend on this. Sorry for the ramble but hopefully one of you old stalwarts will be able to help me out. Thanks in anticipation. thebeardedone

Monument to the Maquis on Cerdon?

Where I Die, the Motherland is Reborn.

I have passed that so many times, but never had time to read the quotation.

Cheers, Franglais/Spardo that’s the one, many thanks for your help. thebeardedone