Montgomery Transport

As above, Montgomery are advertising for trampers on refrigerated work based at Cairnryan. Anybody got any views, positive or otherwise?

I worked from Crick for them 4 yrs back. Worse company I ever worked for. But I think that was the bosses fault.

I worked from Crick 6 yrs ago , must have been a different boss ! Great job , ran us 100% legal , never ever pushed . I only left because there were so many Polish lads coming over , they were not prepared to give us a wage rise 3 yrs running . I got a better offer, but I was very happy there . The boss was fair and he didn’t mind jumping into a truck if a load was needed and we had no hours . Top man .

that said

Montgomery like to sub out a lot of their fridge work and those that take it run " the Irish way " . Not sure what its like own fleet wise but I would say the shedules are tight :wink: :wink: :wink:

You’ll find the runs they do themselves are all above board but from what Ive heard on teh grapevine is there money isnt the greatest but I would contact them direct!

they not a bad outfit to work for if u dont mind working for peanuts i was gettin £6:05 an hour for monty distribution last year . montgomery refridgerated are only round the corner from me in dukes transport old yard in portadown and they push the subbies on like hell but id say they would be fair enough to their own drivers.

Thanks all :wink:

are montys not moved out of that yard ? heard a bit of gossip that stobart were moving in to it.

Quite often park up at Aston Hill VOSA sation at Queensferry, enough said!

Quite often park up at Aston Hill VOSA sation at Queensferry, enough said!

So would half the VDB fleet would be if they were to run Holland to Eire and back… Are you suggesting all Irish firms are ‘bent’ and our orange friends are not… Me , I know for a fact that the euro tankers have a blatant dissregard for eu driving regs. And like the irish firms[some] they employ foreign labour at a reduced rate and exploit those they employ, if you let them of course. Monty’s ain’t the best payers but you make it up with the hours and nice kit

are montys not moved out of that yard ? heard a bit of gossip that stobart were moving in to it.

monty referigerated had moved to craigavon cold stores but its owned by tesco and they needed it back so they moved back into the old place that was up for sale when distribution went to ballyearl. id heard that stobart was sapposed to buying it also but id also herd that stobart was buying our place and we were down sizing so id say it just rumors

talk of 150 stobarts for the new year.

talk of 150 stobarts for the new year.

wonder where they will go then not many big ready to move in places about here. ive heard moy park are also lookin half our warehouse for storage that would give them 13 bays but if the big green machine came knockin at his gates id say he would sell