MODS: -- "Xmas Cheer" - moved

… to where?

I was just viewing this post and laughing my [zb]'s off - nice one Stuart. I went to reply to it and got the message along the lines of “Only Moderators can reply to this topic”. Re-clicked on the link and got “The topic or post you requested does not exist”, found a reference to it in Bully’s Bar but still get the same error message :confused:

Where exactly has it been moved to :question:

Sorry Yeti it’s been removed for review as some of the content is questionable it maybe re-instated by powers greater than myself.

It was very briefly moved for review, and now resides in Bully’s Bar :wink:

Questionable :unamused:

I’m not questioning you for removing it for review, all I’ll say is that if the powers greater than you have any sense of humour it will be re-instated soon :laughing: :laughing:

EDIT: :blush: After posting my reply I have now seen Rikki’s post. :slight_smile: Good man.

Ladytrucker followed the procedures correctly… she was unsure wether it should stay and and if it should, where, and temporarily moved it and phoned me to ask if I could take a look see…

I felt it is OK in Bullys bar and re-instated it to there… however the arbiter of good taste hasnt seen it yet so get a look at it while you can because it still may go again!! :wink: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :smiley: :sunglasses:

Awwww, now come on, there is maybe one in the lot that may have a tad of a questionable content, but as for the rest they are just good humour and I defy anyone to get offended by them.

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

let them stay. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Either I am going round the bend or the site has had a problem today!! I could have put money on the fact I posted the Xmas Cheer thread in Bully’s bar, but it looks like I put it in the PDA, Rikki can you put my mind at rest and let me know I am not going mad and that it is the site that is messing around!!! Failing that I am going to get my straight jacket on :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

The site seems fine to me :wink:

It was moved from the PDF for review, it is possible that it was moved from Bully’s to the PDF accidently and then moved for review, only the Mod who originally moved it would know that, and they are off line for a while :open_mouth:

On the other hand you just migjht be losing the plot …
So I would hold onto that Straight Jacket for now… :wink: :sunglasses: :smiley:

Either I am going round the bend or the site has had a problem today!! I could have put money on the fact I posted the Xmas Cheer thread in Bully’s bar, but it looks like I put it in the PDA, Rikki can you put my mind at rest and let me know I am not going mad and that it is the site that is messing around!!! Failing that I am going to get my straight jacket on :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

That was me :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: an editing error. A lesson in why it’s a good idea to take off your straight jacket before begining to type. :laughing:
You can borrow my jacket anytime you like smcaul. :wink:

LT quietly leaves the room. :blush:

That was me :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: an editing error. A lesson in why it’s a good idea to take off your straight jacket before begining to type. :laughing:
You can borrow my jacket anytime you like smcaul. :wink:

LT quietly leaves the room. :blush:

that’s quite easy to do LT, the default action when you click move is to send it to the PDF - you have to select the right place from the drop down menu

you’re not the first one to make that mistake :blush: :blush: :blush:


Either I am going round the bend or the site has had a problem today!! I could have put money on the fact I posted the Xmas Cheer thread in Bully’s bar, but it looks like I put it in the PDA, Rikki can you put my mind at rest and let me know I am not going mad and that it is the site that is messing around!!! Failing that I am going to get my straight jacket on :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

That was me :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: an editing error. A lesson in why it’s a good idea to take off your straight jacket before begining to type. :laughing:
You can borrow my jacket anytime you like smcaul. :wink:

LT quietly leaves the room. :blush:

I don’t need it now I know I am not going mad!!! I’ve got my other half and a 3 year old that spend enough time trying to convince me I am going mad - don’t need you joining them at it :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: