Hi just need to ask you a question, Would you know why the pictuers i posted on the COMPTONS COWBOYS thread have been removed■■?

Hi just need to ask you a question, Would you know why the pictuers i posted on the COMPTONS COWBOYS thread have been removed■■?

Maybe copyright issues or MI5 have been on to Rikki and have one or two of the subjects under observation…

Anyhow thats my stab at it I might wrong :smiley:

If you mean the pictures here, they haven’t been removed by the mods here, It’s caused by broken links at Photobucket.

Have you moved or renamed the images at Photobucket since posting them ?

They are my own photo’s taken by myself so there’s no copyright issues that i know off… Lucy do you know why■■?

It’s nothing to do with us it’s a photobucket thing if they had been removed by us we would have put a reason why

SB139 I’ve just had a look at your album on Photobucket and the 2 images that I think your trying to show have different web addresses to what you posted in the other thread.

If I were you I would edit the post in the other thread and repost the images with the correct link.


They are my own photo’s taken by myself so there’s no copyright issues that i know off… Lucy do you know why■■?

Er no…I was in bed… :blush:

Photobucket sounds like your answer though… :bulb: