
I would like to know who moderates the moderators !!! The is a law against slander and disability discrimination, and to call some a “crip” and “scrounger” when you do not know their circumstances, is outright discrimination. Maybe the person concerned should check the facts and find out a bit about the person before making such comments !! Because it might come back and bite them !!!

I do not work because of serious brain damage but do voluntary work, I was told I can never work again by consultants, I have memory loss and wander at times, but I am involved with the disabilty society and I am also a welfare rights adviser, I am a member of the IRTE,SOE,ILT and I am also a writer.

I will not stand for outright discrimination. Neither will my solicitors or the disability discrimination board of Scotland

sorry to hear that willie hopefully the things will work out ok for you good luck with the volutary work

I wish I had memory loss so I could forget the awful match between Norwich and Wolves I watched yesterday :frowning:

And I dont have the faintest idea of what you are on about :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
A link to the post you are complaining about would help a lot :bulb: :bulb:

but the answer to your direct question:

If you have a problem with one of the moderators, try

  1. Talking to them, if that doesnt resolve your issue
  2. Contact one of the forum Admins and explain your concerns to them
  3. If still not satisfied contact me via PM or E-mail ( )

I was in formed last night in the chat room I was a “crip” and scrounger by LUCY

The chat room is unmoderated and clearly marked as such . its a bit of a free for all in there,
That said I doubt if anyone in there was out to deliberatly offend anyone.
Have you tried PMing Lucy to voice your concerns ?

I have for future reference made the warning more clear.

I apologise for any offence caused, Willie, it certainly wasn’t intended that way. The banter in question at the time was all pretty close to the knuckle, and I apologise if it went a little over the top. As a scrounging crip myself, I am guilty of forgetting that others may not be quite as light-hearted and frank about their situation as I am, and know now for future reference that you don’t see things that way. Apologies again.

Content removed as being irrelevant and potentially offensive in the context of the discussion taking place.

I would like to know who moderates the moderators !!! The is a law against slander and disability discrimination, and to call some a “crip” and “scrounger” when you do not know their circumstances, is outright discrimination. Maybe the person concerned should check the facts and find out a bit about the person before making such comments !! Because it might come back and bite them !!!

I do not work because of serious brain damage but do voluntary work, I was told I can never work again by consultants, I have memory loss and wander at times, but I am involved with the disabilty society and I am also a welfare rights adviser, I am a member of the IRTE,SOE,ILT and I am also a writer.

I will not stand for outright discrimination. Neither will my solicitors or the disability discrimination board of Scotland

you need big cojones to go in the chat room willie if you are still equipped with them either use the room and take and give back what comes your way or just give it a miss pal (been refused entry and kicked out more times than i remember) :laughing: dont take it serious bud :wink:

fixed the broken quote, hopefully in the right place, feel free to re-edit if i got it wrong - repton

My mind starts to wander sometimes. I think i have the onset of Alchtzeimers, i’m enjoying meeting lots of new friends though !!

willie mac you post /type better than me plus you write (what do you write) if your injury was caused on the job sorry im nosey how did it happen . how old are you . how was youre life affected . have you got kids . hows youre life now . as nobody know anything about your status as nobody knows anything :question: unless you tell them . your a writer go for it bud .let the folk know who are you simple aint it post it on the appropriate forum . regards stephen

I was in formed last night in the chat room I was a “crip” and scrounger by LUCY


If that’s all she called you then you should be thanking her for letting you get off so lightly :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: . You get would a lot worse off some :wink: members in there if you catch them on a bad day, believe me! Well, that’s only what I’ve heard, to be truthful. I don’t have any personal experience of being on the receiving end of a sharp-tongued member as I’m not an argumentative person and keep my head down to avoid such confrontations. Anyway… :sunglasses:

The TN chat room is not for wusses, so consider that as some friendly advice to not go in there again! :wink:

My mind starts to wander sometimes. I think i have the onset of Alchtzeimers, i’m enjoying meeting lots of new friends though !!

alzeheimers gods little joke
just had a death in the family on thursday and had to tell the deceaseds wife
he wouldnt be coming out of hospital .plus help sort the arrangements out .
anyone had to tell someones wife evrey half hour that there husbands dead .
if i didnt laugh id crack . (im not taking a shot at you mike) :laughing:


My mind starts to wander sometimes. I think i have the onset of Alchtzeimers, i’m enjoying meeting lots of new friends though !!

alzeheimers gods little joke
just had a death in the family on thursday and had to tell the deceaseds wife
he wouldnt be coming out of hospital .plus help sort the arrangements out .
anyone had to tell someones wife evrey half hour that there husbands dead .
if i didnt laugh id crack . (im not taking a shot at you mike) :laughing:

Alzheimers is an awful disease, so easily confused with aids.

Doctors recommend taking sufferers out for a ride in the car. leave them up a country lane. If they find their own way home, don’t sleep with them :stuck_out_tongue:

My mind starts to wander sometimes. I think i have the onset of Alzheimer’s, i’m enjoying meeting lots of new friends though !!

Hi Pete. I’m sure I’ve met you before. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Are you the guy I squirted with a high velocity water pistol sometime, by any chance?
Or has the alzheimer’s taken over??
Or am I the cause of it I wonder?

thanks a lot wheelnut you ve made the last few days all that more bearable .
and you will see me soon . its a small world :laughing: i promise one good turn desreves another .doesnt matter what it costs im paying

Look i dont know the content of wot was sayed BUT have been in the chat rooms with a few of the guys n girls and made a few jokes , been on the end of a few its part of the BANTER , also when you enter the roomthere is a sign…

"TNUKS’s virtual pub ,for thoses of us with no social life.WARNING, these chat rooms are unmodereated and not for the faint hearted"

so you have been warned ! its a bit of fun please take it that way !

"TNUKS’s virtual pub ,for those of us with no social life.WARNING, these chat rooms are unmoderated and not for the faint hearted"

That is the very recently updated rider as you enter the chat room Fallmonk.

The old one simply had “TNUKS’s virtual pub ,for those of us with no life”, as far as I remember. It wasn’t something I paid much attention to, tbh.