Moderators / moderation

Are the moderators furloughed? , if so is moderation suspended for the duration
Of this outbreak? its Just I noticed posts are being moderated very quickly or are they not being moderated at all ?
I guess you’ve seen the reports of inmates being released from prison , so have you decided to release the verbally inprisoned posters on this board !
Just wondering

Are the moderators furloughed? , if so is moderation suspended for the duration
Of this outbreak? its Just I noticed posts are being moderated very quickly or are they not being moderated at all ?
I guess you’ve seen the reports of inmates being released from prison , so have you decided to release the verbally inprisoned posters on this board !
Just wondering

I really hope for gods steaks it permanent…


Are the moderators furloughed? , if so is moderation suspended for the duration
Of this outbreak? its Just I noticed posts are being moderated very quickly or are they not being moderated at all ?
I guess you’ve seen the reports of inmates being released from prison , so have you decided to release the verbally inprisoned posters on this board !
Just wondering

I really hope for gods steaks it permanent…

Keep up at the back

Are the moderators furloughed? …,

No dozy, we can’t furlough the moderators because they’re all volunteers.

To furlough somebody, we’d have to pay them 80% of their wages, which brings me to where I need your help…

Given that the moderators are unpaid volunteers and we’d have to pay them 80% of their wages to furlough them, I need your help to calculate their furlough pay.

…if so is moderation suspended for the duration
Of this outbreak?


its Just I noticed (sometimes) posts are being moderated very quickly

Yes this does sometimes happen, but it depends if one of the moderators happens to be logged in at the time.

or are they not being moderated at all ?

No, see above.

I guess you’ve seen the reports of inmates being released from prison , so have you decided to release the verbally inprisoned posters on this board !
Just wondering

Again, no.
The constraint they may feel is probably that their posts don’t appear instantaneously because their posts need scrutiny before they can be seen.

Thanks for clearing that up then Dave , no can’t help
With moderators furloughed pay as I’m struggling to make head nor tail Of mine .

I suggest though they take my position , if I don’t get it I’m off !!
Boris has opened a right old can of worms here

The constraint they may feel is probably that their posts don’t appear instantaneously because their posts need scrutiny before they can be seen.

Is it possible for the moderators/administrators to proofread the posts and correct grammar and spelling mistakes before approving them for public display?

Anyway I’ve no work for tomorrow night Dave so
You can have some peace & quiet , while I drown my unpaid
Sorrows in cider

Is it possible for the moderators/administrators to proofread the posts and correct grammar and spelling mistakes before approving them for public display?

:laughing: :laughing:

(Sorry Dave, that one made me laugh)

If the mods become the spelling police, that’ll mean Dozy is gonna be permanently stuffed and he’ll never ever get out of pre-mod :laughing:

I admire our mods so much that I suggest we have whip round to support their valuable work.
I will pledge 10% of their current pay. I daresay others will offer more.
I might offer more if we could get somone to fact check posts, rather than just proof read them.
I wonder how James Joyce would have got on with a strict editor?

Is it possible for the moderators/administrators to proofread the posts and correct grammar and spelling mistakes before approving them for public display?

Yes. But we don’t paid enough to do it. :wink: :laughing:

I think you owe TNUK Dave :smiley:



Are the moderators furloughed? , if so is moderation suspended for the duration
Of this outbreak? its Just I noticed posts are being moderated very quickly or are they not being moderated at all ?
I guess you’ve seen the reports of inmates being released from prison , so have you decided to release the verbally inprisoned posters on this board !
Just wondering

I really hope for gods steaks it permanent…

Keep up at the back

You are asking an awful lot there. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I admire our mods so much that I suggest we have whip round to support their valuable work.
I will pledge 10% of their current pay. I daresay others will offer more.
I might offer more if we could get somone to fact check posts, rather than just proof read them.
I wonder how James Joyce would have got on with a strict editor?

How about Irvine Welsh - Author of Trainspotting?

Choose us. Choose life. Choose mortgage payments; choose washing machines; choose cars; choose sitting oan a couch watching mind-numbing and spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing ■■■■■■ junk food intae yir mooth. Choose rotting away, pishing and ■■■■■■■■ yersel in a home, a total ■■■■■■ embarrassment tae the selfish, ■■■■■■-up brats ye’ve produced. Choose life.

Auto-mod rather spoiled the effect of that - … g-machines


Are the moderators furloughed? , if so is moderation suspended for the duration
Of this outbreak? its Just I noticed posts are being moderated very quickly or are they not being moderated at all ?
I guess you’ve seen the reports of inmates being released from prison , so have you decided to release the verbally inprisoned posters on this board !
Just wondering

I really hope for gods steaks it permanent…

Don’t mince your words. :open_mouth:

I say well done to the mods for taking stock of the situation and being able to strike a happy medium. It’s rare that I agree with your posts but what is your beef with dozy?


The constraint they may feel is probably that their posts don’t appear instantaneously because their posts need scrutiny before they can be seen.

Is it possible for the moderators/administrators to proofread the posts and correct grammar and spelling mistakes before approving them for public display?

Hi R420,

We had a discussion on TN (probably 10+yrs ago at a guess) and the outcome was that it didn’t matter whether somebody has good diction and grammar because TN isn’t a forum for specialising in the use of English language.

Everybody has a certain standard of written English, and it’s fair to say that the standard varies considerably amongst the drivers who form our core membership.

With the above as background, I’ll give my 2p worth to answer your question…

I guess it would be possible to proofread the posts, but the difficulty I’d personally have with the notion of having any kind of benchmark is how and where to set the standard to judge which posts are acceptable and which posts need editorial intervention.

I’m glad that common sense prevailed in the discussion we had all those years ago in that it was decided that if a post was readable, then it was OK because it was the poster’s idea/opinion that counted rather than their skill at writing it.

:bulb: Given that this is a forum, it’s always possible to ask a poster to clarify his/her meaning by asking them a question.

Somebody on TN once started a sentence with a conjunction, then went on to commit the further sin of ending it with a preposition! :open_mouth: </TIC mode>

:bulb: It’s a good job we don’t take this English language stuff too seriously. :laughing: :laughing:


Is it possible for the moderators/administrators to proofread the posts and correct grammar and spelling mistakes before approving them for public display?

:laughing: :laughing:

(Sorry Dave, that one made me laugh)

That’s no problem good_friend, I hope I’ve given a good answer to it. :smiley:

Somebody mentioned fact checking, so I’m imagining a Heath Robinson device that has a huge funnel at the top, into which we put Carryfast’s posts for processing…

…the device has an outlet at the other end, but there’s very little actual usable product dripping out of it even though it’s in use 24/7…

…it’s a very good device, and the usable facts all fit into a thimble (without spillage!) but the downside is that a guy wearing overalls and masses of PPE has to keep changing the filters, a job that entails him getting covered in [ZB] !

The haulage and landfill costs for this operation are quite considerable, so the management team are hoping for an interruption in the supply of raw materials!! :grimacing: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: :laughing:


Are the moderators furloughed? , if so is moderation suspended for the duration
Of this outbreak? its Just I noticed posts are being moderated very quickly or are they not being moderated at all ?
I guess you’ve seen the reports of inmates being released from prison , so have you decided to release the verbally inprisoned posters on this board !
Just wondering

I really hope for gods steaks it permanent…

If God is a Steak - is that why so many Veggies are Atheists? :question:




Is it possible for the moderators/administrators to proofread the posts and correct grammar and spelling mistakes before approving them for public display?

:laughing: :laughing:

(Sorry Dave, that one made me laugh)

Why would the moderators want to waste time correcting Poster’s mistakes when those same posters don’t correct their current reading mistakes? :stuck_out_tongue: