Moderator Team review

The ‘higher ups’ at RTM, who own the TN Forums, decided to hold a review of the Forum Moderating Team and do a little shuffling of the pack.

The Moderating Team has been expanded a little, so we are pleased to announce the following:

  • newmercman, who has already done sterling service as a Forum Moderator in the ex-pats forum, has agreed to become a Full (roving) Moderator.

  • tachograph, who is well known for his knowledge and helpful explanations, has also agreed to become a Full (roving) Moderator and is a welcome addition to the team.

  • ROG, who is always passionate about helping and advising newbies, has agreed to help out as Forum Moderator in the Newbies Forum.

Over the coming days, the sharp-eyed amongst you will notice the new Moderators being shown on various forum headers on the main Forum Index page and just under their avatars.

I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome the new Moderators to their new roles. :smiley:

Welcome and thank you to the new moderators, As Dave said above, when we appointed him as forum manager we asked him to review the current forum team and see who could be bought on board to add extra to the team.

However the forum moderators are not chosen by the owners of the forum, but decided on by current moderators, unlike many other forums the moderators here are drawn from within the community. We have been asked many times over the years how to become a forum moderator, the easy answer is that those who actually want the job/ask for it, we have found are not the sort of folks who do well at it and are rarely considered.

Full Moderators are nominated by the members of the admin team, based on their posts, posting behaviour and suitability to work within a team. Each member of the admin/moderator team has an absolute veto, if only one member says no then the proposal to become a moderator for that individual fails .

It is totally the moderators and admins that have and continue to keep these forums on track, spam free and vibrant, they give up their time freely , keeping these forums online and free for you all to use is their work, and for that RTM and all members here owe them a huge vote of thanks

What about getting rid of the non participant moderators?

What about getting rid of the non participant moderators?

We wouldn’t just get “rid” of somebody who’s been good enough to have accepted an invitation to be a Moderator and then performed that duty voluntarily.

People’s lives/circumstances can sometimes take various directions and they might find that they have less spare time, so there are potentially a number of good reasons why a Moderator (or indeed any other member) might not have been seen publicly on the forums for a while.

One privately told me they won’t post here anymore! :open_mouth:

Overlooked for the big jobs again :unamused: